The new world situation is characterized by a process of economic globalization, based on market liberalism, which promotes a more independent state, as a world trend. Globalization as an economic, social, cultural, technological and political process has a complex character, and its implications for the different orders of society are imminent.
According to Giddens "globalization is the almost immediate reception of impacts that are generated at a distance and these impacts occur both in the individual sphere and in that of groups." It also defines globalization as "a social process that results in an increasing number of people, living in circumstances where uprooted institutions, linked to local practices with globalized social relations, organize the main aspects of daily life." Globalization cannot be seen and handled in an abstract way and without incidence in all processes, especially ideological attention, on the contrary, it must be analyzed as a whole with concrete situations at specific moments that vary continuously and that can be converted into strengths. or threats to any element of the environment according to how they are handled.
In this context, that the market has been gaining more relevance and is located in the center of the social economic structure, above individual and social interests. In this clearly what predominates is the liberal development paradigm, which comes from Adam Smith, John Locke, Hobbes to Friedman, liberal moral philosophers, who emphasize a theory that focuses on the role of the individual in society and in the market (Mészáros 2009).
This world development is historically inscribed in a greater concept that is modernity, which carries all the connotations of the enlightenment era, which is characterized by institutions such as the Nation-State and modern administrative devices.
Meanwhile, postmodern societies, distinguishing them from traditional ones, are those societies that are constituted and built, essentially, from theoretical knowledge or expert knowledge. Likewise, this time is also characterized, according to Giddens, by "discontextualization", which is, according to this author, detaching, uprooting local life from its context, and that local life is increasingly produced by the translocal or global.
Within this complex and rapid context, it is necessary to analyze aspects related to university education and knowledge, such as defining educational processes under globalized social environments.
The training of reflective professionals who respond to these environments of complex realities, who are capable of apprehending these realities and acting accordingly with them, largely correspond to the system of institutions and organizations that are relevant and efficient, with a set of values and institutional principles that determine the characteristics of social subjects.
The challenge is inscribed in how to manage these educational organizations from knowledge management, what organizational factors determine the learning of educational organizations and what are the results.