in giving •  7 years ago 

MILLIONAIRES ARE SOME OF THE KINDEST PEOPLE I'VE MET... I think we could all learn from successful people that are happy and giving.


Most people foolishly believe money and power will make them feel fulfilled. I believe that most successful people had a similar outlook on life or "demeanor" before they accumulated material wealth. Money is just a representation of the value we offer the word. A service or an exchange of our natural human beingness.

What if you acted like you were rich, and gave to the poor, donated your time, supported those less fortunate. Each one teach one. Especially as the new economy moves towards consciousness. This is more important than ever.

Who is one successful person you know that is making a positive impact on the world. Find one sociological trait that they embody and practice being that for a day. Or just be your most authentic self, with kindness, calmness, and inspiration.

Yours in Transformation,

Mike Freeman

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