A Thanksgiving Wish for All of my Open-Mic & Steemit People

in givingthanks •  7 years ago  (edited)

Aside from the commercial/historical ironies surrounding the upcoming national Holiday here in the US, the week forthcoming should nonetheless be one for giving general thanks.

Regardless of how little or how much each of us may have – thanks, humility, gratitude, and deep appreciation are very much in order – for there shall always be people all across this world with far, far less than we have, but are none-the-less happy, quite fine, and rather respectable people of goodwill by every measure.

thanksgiving 2017.jpg

Once we as a species have the imminent danger of mere survival under control, goodness, empathy, thanks, sharing, and understanding is very much a part of our individual and collective nature.

As such, with this Holiday forthcoming, let us all extend ourselves to our neighbors, foes, distant relatives, families, friends, and future compatriots in whatever manner possible, and as well to introspectively amongst ourselves, give deep thanks to our immediate families and close friends – of which I consider my Open-Mic People very much a part of.

So I’m asking you to share with me a deep sense of humble thanks for all of the blessings bestowed upon us from the graces of our own free will, and from the kindness and reciprocity of this glorious world of beautiful people, that constantly surrounds us.

For this and so much more, I give each and every one of you my most humble thanks…

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Thanks and praises.

Thank you, my brother - and a Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

And all the best to you and yours...much love brother

Ditto and Thank you, brother!

thanks brother and thanks all the people of the openmic, and a special thanks to steemit to gather us together :)

Right On, David - and Thank you, brother!