Glitch Filter Art. Plus waking up from the slumbering coma of winter

in glitchart •  8 years ago 

Waking up, getting up. Rested up. Up, up and away!! Has been a long winter and feel like a different sort of creature now that the springtime is emerging. Did I forget who I was. No, this is a transformitive experience.

I didn't mess my head, didn't miss the mark. The tidal wave of my soul forming out. I'm ultra normal. Life shall be a festivity

The abstract symbols uploaded to my mind have gone through the mill to come back out in rearranged forms

I can only information process as much is natural for me. I won't burn myself out. Calm conquers all. I remain focused on creative community

Images emerge. Stories are told. I can be melded to any mould that would not rot into mold. Careful not to breathe in too much of the mildewed snow. My lungs hurt

Scrapbooking life in varying ways and heights. In downs and lows recording it all. I always wanted to write my life story as far back as it actually happened. It's all in the old noggen and muscle memory. With a twitch and a laugh it comes out to play and dance today

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