Hello to all the distinguished followers of my blog! Today I will bring to your attention a very interesting and even unique project GlitzKoin. The team of this project solves problems that may not be visible at first sight, but nevertheless are quite important.
The world economy is formed by people's emotions. There is one interesting phenomenon - when something goes wrong, all asset prices start to fall and only one class of them remains stable. The leading role in this race belongs to diamonds, and that's why Glitzkoin decided to choose them as the basis of its strategy. This is something that can not lose value (due to a colossal historical experience and unshakable durability).
Every diamond is a treasure - that's why a huge amount of money is spinning inside this industry. In any case, even if it is something as beautiful as a gemstone, it is important to understand that there are problems in this part of the world. According to diamonds, the problems are as follows:
Surprisingly, the most beautiful does not have a history.
Even the most expensive exhibits, in many cases, can not provide their owners with proof of how they were "born." It is impossible to believe documents, because it can easily turn out to be a fake. Nobody has decided to create a register of diamonds and even more so to preserve it. So the treasure loses its own history.
Deception, substitution, theft.
In a world where it is impossible to verify the necessary information, especially with regard to diamonds, the doors to criminals are widely open. This gives them the opportunity to steal and sell precious stones without a shadow of fear of being caught.
Impossibility of quality control.
Not every diamond can be of proper quality. This problem carries the risk of discrediting. Thus, the real treasure remains without an opportunity to prove its worth, and that's why the Glitzkoin project is so important. This makes it possible to fix everything.
Glitzkoin: The diamond is saved.
This is a rare case when the blockchain appeared in the project not just as another attempt to catch the hype-it is a real tool for the chosen direction. This technology has brought a solution to all the problems, and here they are:
On the detachment you can save all the details about the history.
Every detail will be in a safe place, and it can be argued that no one will ever be able to change or steal information.
Every jewel will be tested.
A full description with evidence and details will be under lock and key lock to destroy the likelihood of illegal actions and keep the real treasure safe.
It would be easy to control the quality. A "smart" comparison with blockchain information will provide a quick way to monitor all quality issues on a professional level.
Thus, Glitzkoin will keep the entire diamond industry under control. This will ensure transparency of transactions and protection of assets. Users will have access to distribute and purchase their precious stones inside an efficient and convenient platform.
The diamond industry with Glitzkoin: let's look to the future.
When all problems with registration of documents and difficulties with third-party moments will be destroyed by transparency of the blockchain system, users will see how easily all transactions with diamonds can be carried out. Glitzkoin will open access to the precious stones market for all. So, as you can see, even such a delicate market, which is connected with the issues of the diamond industry, can withstand the strength of the detachment, going forward in tandem. All Glitzkoin solutions are aimed at making profit for their customers. The project is uniquely beautiful with its idea. Its uniqueness is simply inexpressibly interesting. In the whole market, there is no single competitor to this project. Solutions are fantastically promising. Support Glitzkoin! It is a project of the future that will never lose its value.
For more information on the Glitzkoin project, you can follow the links at the end of my article. Thank you!
Website: https://www.glitzkoin.com/
Whitepaper: https://www.glitzkoin.com/dist/img/pdf/Glitzkoin-Brochure.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GlitzKoin-193241214767377 /
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GlitzkoinToken
Medium: https://medium.com/glitzkoin
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/H2lmsxLwenY3S8Fp_CFQBA
Author: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1249110