Bajai Body Camp 13.03: Day 362

in global-travel •  7 years ago 

Bajai Body Camp 13.03: Day 362
Hotel Castilla Guerrero
Sunday June 3, 2018
Malaga, Spain
19.82% decompressing

Looking at the numbers I can tell that somewhere along the way I messed up the count. But it doesn't matter, even though I think it does. I was telling Maika last week about "perfectionism" - I should take my own advice.
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In reality these blogs will not be read again... even by me. Steemit may or may not last. I may or may not publish these on Blogger... and maybe blogspot will cease to exist also. So whether it's day 362, or not, it's still June 3, 2018.

I think explaining something away is an aspect of perfectionism, when we really should just let it go.

I nodded last night. Closed the window against the Saturday night noise... mostly in English. Didn't even bother to unpack the bed. The AC was set at 20°C and I woke up cold... I got a blanket but didn't turn off the aircon.

Today I want to go out. But I have to clean up and organize. I think I lost my black rubber exercise band.. it may still show up, but I'll have an excuse to buy another one.

Between cleaning up and listening to the gloom and doomers, I'm back into the Spanish language.

#1 is still on my mind and represented in my dreams. My imagination runs wild at times. Time, health, distance, life. And then I let those thoughts go and ask myself if I am ready to stop moving and live with animals, maybe in Spain?

Pushups and push outs this morning and squats, crunches and sit ups... feet under the bed for support. Ok... I'm just killing time now.

Out to the beach.

I've been here once, only for a few hours but I can still find my way to the beach. Spanish beaches are something special. The water is cool. The sights are lovely and the sun is shining. There are places to exercise down here as well, but now is not the time.

It's Sunday and there are many families as well as holiday makers on the sands of Malaga. I consider myself the latter. I am making a holiday... a rather long one... although I do have catching up to do on blogs, films, photos... and I should catch a sunrise while I'm here.

I just realized, I have not had "my tea" yet. I passed by the Dunkin Donuts I visited last year and didn't even crave tea.

Walk back... make a tea stop. I'm kind of tired. I didn't get tired at VT. Could it be that I'm really an extrovert? Or becoming one? Or doing a good job of faking it? I ordered my tea entirely in Spanish. I had to clarify that I wanted my leche with agua... like 50-50, or the bolsita in hot milk... or that's what I understood. If she didn't understand me, she made the right choice.


It's a great day to chill. It's Sunday and it feels like Sunday. Maybe I take an evening stroll and play on the bars.
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The place I said I wouldn't go... (but not "never") Foster's Hollywood American Restaurant, is where I'm having dinner tonight... at Spanish dinner time. There's a mall attached to Malaga Maria Zambrano estacion. Most of the stores are closed, but the restaurants are open. This was the only place that offered burgers... Burger King and McDonald's don't count.

I'm eating backwards... my biggest meal today was dinner. Now... at 21:11 do A stroll to the beach? We shall see. No reason to rush back to the spot.

Alert!!! Three days goes faster than six. But it's the nights that count. Have to decide what I'll do for Tuesday night. Next stop could be seven nights... enough to plan the ferry ride across the sea.

I'm here during high-season. Not my best move, but I only have to float my own accommodations 33% of the time. I have to remind myself I'll be okay. I did it last year and had to fly from Asia to Europe, rent a suit and book a room in a castle. None of those expenses this year.

I'm getting better, but I still worry about not having enough for food and shelter. I can not take my lifestyle for granted, but I don't have to be tight-fisted either.

So, I made that walk to the beach, got some pulling in, walked back... only to be held up at the door of the hotel, by a guy who was smoking in the doorway. Apparently he didn't believe I was a guest in this hotel. It has soured me towards it. So now I will be sure to leave Tuesday.

I was offended at how I was treated and I promised him his diligence would be noted... and it will.

Okay. I don't know whether I'll make a sunrise tomorrow, but maybe. I feel like I should sleep, but... well... who knows?

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