Bajai Body Camp 3.0: Day 358
Hotel Puerta de Gredos
Wednesday May 30, 2018
Barco de Avila, Spain
19.6% fooding
Me eyes opened early... before sunrise and it was difficult to get back to sleep. I think that yesterday I generated a lot of energy, and a few hours of sleep did the trick. So I rested for another ninety minutes, got out of bed... a few pushups... and front extended pushups and breakfast. Oh, and I was hungry, early today, so breakfast was very welcome. First plate was the usual, second plate was nuts and another dab of smoked salmon. I think maybe three cups of tea... maybe four.
Moments like this could turn me into an "Extrovert."
Good walk after breakfast and skipping stones on the river. I'm such a kid and still a bit immature.
Round two was a reset event. No pain, no symptoms. Just the Bod doing its job.
Re-evaluating #1... it's for now. There are really no feelings there, just good vibes. The Woman is the litmus test for feelings. If I couldn't stay with her, how can I justify anything short of lust with anyone else.
*These thoughts are subject to change as real life circumstances unfold.
Generally speaking it was a good day. I'm either getting or creating signals that I know are temporary. But real life butts in. However there's something there on both ends.
I actually stayed up late working on my "final project"/gift to the group. At least I got to sleep before 01:00.