Worldwide Seed Banks & Global Climate Damage

in globalfoodsupply •  4 years ago 

This video was originally published 5/11/2019

AGPRO has the list of all 20 U.S Government Seed Banks that can be visited if they are in your local area. I hope you could reach out to these seed banks because they could help provide you with seeds and trees if you decide to plant.

The most famous seed bank, by far, is Svalvard. The second largest in the world, on the other hand, is found in Taiwan. Anyway, the seed vault in Svalbard protects up to 2.2 billion seeds in permafrost.

Year-round cold keeps the genetic diversity of our planet’s seed supply “safe”. A glimpse of what it looks like inside will give you ideas in case you are planning to store seeds at your home.

You might want to put them in a freezer instead of leaving them out in open area. Keeping seeds in cold preserves them for a longer period of time, then left at room temperature, or in direct sunlight.

Meanwhile, there has been a lot of focus on genetic diversity. The US system now holds 600,000 different seed varieties, with a focus on soybeans.

Another focus of their research are genes responsible for stress resistance, stress tolerance, yield composition and nutrition, as well as other traits that bring value to seeds.

So, as you can see, they are focusing on how to bring back bountiful yields from seeds in a Grand Solar Minimum stress environment. Drip by drip this is being brought to the public’s consciousness.

Interesting timing now that we are experiencing the greatest yield losses across our planet in almost a hundred years. The image below shows another way to store seeds in these seed vaults.

Do you have access to these seed banks, or do you have access to a nursery or some type of government AG program that might supply you with either seeds, trees, or any other plants for free? If you are planning to grow them in your area, you might want to look into those locations.

The National Laboratory for Genetic Resources Preservation in Fort Collins, Colorado. Isn’t that near Denver, where the new seat of the U.S government is?

They are able to store seeds there for 75 years at -18°C while the Svalbard Global Seed Vault is saving 825,000 crop varieties. So the matchups in the Colorado placement of seeds is equally interesting.

Now, accessibility is where you need to start splitting the hair. Governments across the planet are already preparing for the loss of genetic diversity, shouldn’t we be too, as competent individuals?

These are the locations of the seed banks. I encourage you to reach out to anywhere that is within your vicinity, as they can direct you in terms of seed sources, to help you move forward.

Speaking of that, corporate media is finally chiming-in, saying that we lost so much yield in 2019 that stories are now starting to blame low crop yields on extreme weather conditions, which I agree with and in my opinion, these extreme weather conditions are due to the Grand Solar Minimum intensification.

Meanwhile, trends over time of Global Weather Losses as Percent of the GDP, which is downward, shown below. You are free to copy and share this chart to show those who are blaming extreme weather condition on increased crop losses.

In the meantime, Friends of Science has taken out this billboard ad. “The Sun is the main driver of the climate. Not you. Not CO2.” The outrage of so many individuals who want the sign removed. My question, what is so offensive about our Sun?

Does this mean we couldn’t even talk about other causations that drive Earth’s climate other than CO2? I encourage you to take a look at what is going on there, because they are even trying to bring litigation to have this thing removed. So much for free speech in Canada.

Looking at 25 locations in Australia with daily temperatures going back to 1890, with over 1.3 million temperature data points in this set. Now do you think it is a runaway or a skyrocketing global warming in Australia since 1876?

Is this a result of the increasingly strange Grand Solar Minimum weather conditions; waterspouts in the golden sunset off the Italian Coast. Three spouts coupled in this formation is an unusual vortex in the atmosphere.

Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of the article. If you like more content like this, I produce the tri-weekly Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast of a 30-minute in-depth analysis on the GSM you can take on the go through out your day.

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*** Today’s Story Links ***

Australian temperatures long term 1878-2019

Record cold Halloween USA

Global weather losses from extreme weather

Freeze warnings SE USA Halloween

US Seedbanks
List of US government seedbanks

Seed bank definition

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The voices of the climate change and global warming group is getting smaller . When confronted with facts they’re quickly shut down and can’t argue the biggest fact of them all , and that is that most of them completely ignore the SUN ☀️ because it makes their argument so WEAK . LOL 😂 .