Unifying humanity in an all inclusive manner should be our goal.

in globalism •  4 years ago 


Being well informed enough to understand how the public is being played and manipulated as a matter of the establishment’s ongoing divide and conquer strategies, might generously include 15% of the total US population - while the other 85% may have clues here and there but still aren’t clear enough on the methods and goals being used to manipulate and exploit all factions of the public. A large number within that 85% is literally programmed with trigger words and concepts that, upon hearing or reading, cause their critical thinking skills to abruptly stop working altogether. Numbers of people speaking up on certain issues or aspects of our deteriorating reality, consequently hold back on stating everything as they understand it - while the unvarnished truth causes the majority to dismiss everything anyone said or wrote before and after those trigger words override our human abilities to reason. While it’s frustrating so many can’t get past their programming, I haven’t seen evidence that blaming the victims of propaganda personally, will help them see and accept the hidden and disguised truths some will never be able to face. While no one created their own intellects nor life’s circumstances that we’re all born into, this all becomes part of our mutual human dilemmas and life’s circumstances. People are so under the influence of propaganda they irrationally defend the lies and contradictions that manipulate and control their thinking and sentiments - like invisible chains holding down progress and opportunities for worldwide humanity.

While trusting the establishment has been the default mode for the majority over more than the last century, the momentum now is undoubtedly on the side of the truth. Once it’s understood, the truth becomes more obvious with establishment’s continuous censorship and lie campaigns amounting to psychological warfare being waged against the world’s population. And while large factions of the public are still mostly confused, at least they understand the establishment has been lying about the biggest and most important issues. We have no democracy, nor free speech anywhere in establishment media; and while everything is geared for corporate profits at the public’s expense, it cannot credibly be denied that the general population is being lorded over and exploited by a form of corporate fascism still in the early stages as the planned surveillance police state is not yet fully installed. Because censorship and lies have created a mass psychosis, I don’t believe any human can know exactly how the current reality will play out. With so many scared and confused, the situation becomes more volatile as the “system” squeezes more people into poverty and despair with nothing left to lose but their life that’s been made either meaningless or turned into total misery as a direct result of the criminal establishment’s legislated plans and policies having become an unbearable weight for a still growing percent of the world’s public. The fate of humanity is directly and inextricably tied to how our collective understanding changes from here as more become aware and either resist tyranny, or become one of the establishment’s indoctrinated minions fully aware or not, but either way selling out humanity in an impossible and illegitimate attempt to save themselves. Because the truth about their methods and goals is so vile and could incite violence among some elements of the public, it plays right into the establishment’s hands by providing what submissive conformists and sellouts will tout as valid reasons to end free speech and legitimate protest.

We’re all caught in a series of catch 22’s - damned if we do and damned if we don’t. I don’t agree with everything anyone says, and yet the truth in any matter is always valid regardless of who says it or where they communicate from. It all comes down to the truth verses lies imo. Anyone advancing the truth more than not - is moving the public’s collective consciousness in the right direction. Things are presently so confusing for the majority, the establishment has successfully programmed a large percent of people who consider themselves “liberals” to go along with the idea of ending free speech altogether while accepting medical tyranny based on what is literally the establishment’s Covid-19 pseudoscience propaganda campaigns. Lol... laughter becomes a self defense mechanism to maintain sanity at this point.

Make no mistake, the internationalist (globalist) bankers and financiers from turn of the century 1900 have passed their torches of wealth and power along with their globalist wet dreams, from one generation to the next like any corporation or organization that’s been an ongoing concern over the same timeframe or longer. It’s morphed to include a large number of people that were ultimately corrupted by the trappings of personal wealth and power - with politicians and the entire Western establishment propaganda news and entertainment industries on board, as well as industry and educational (indoctrination) institutions while they all apparently see nothing wrong with contributing to, and being part of, a tiny psychopathic collective that imposes on and oppresses worldwide humanity as a matter of routine business as usual.

If not stopped by a morally principled and accurately informed worldwide public, this train is certain to wreck and take most, if not all, of life on earth with it.

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