In previous part I described about an ecological problem. Next problem it is a problem of poverty. Many people are on verge of poverty, and some in general after I cut to poverty. Some countries are very poor. People it is it be not that had education, but also does not have on what to buy bread.
Countries that have powerful economies help people, but it helps not always.
It is an enormous problem that requires large investments. But unfortunately, while in the world poverty increases only. Well and certainly people must also want to correct the position, because if will not want, then nobody will help them.
Similarly large problem, it is a war problem. And wars were always, but me it seems to that for the twentieth century them there was a simply reckless amount. Only two wars, that shocked the whole world and hundreds other, that were for a 20th century. I do not know, war can something decides, but I do not think so, this grief and tears of people it is losses. Maybe, people some time will learn to live in the world. I think it is ignorances very terrible, that can happen in a next second, when bombs fly. Let us live in the world and to help each other.