Socialism for the rich, vampire capitalism for the poor.

in globalist •  4 years ago 


There are so many factors in play with human group psychology and actions, that the dynamics of action and reaction behaviours change, and are in a state of constant flux that it appears as, and in many ways is history repeating itself in cyclical fashion over time.

From my perspective in the US and West in general, right or wrong, I believe the ruling class led by globalist bankers, has rigged the system over time, to where they siphon so much wealth out of the US and world economies, that it’s choking the economy while a growing percent of workers aren’t even making enough to live on - leaving nothing to lose in the eyes of many that will rebel against what they understand are injustices. Consequently the demand for luxury goods and services along with the jobs they provide, disappear as the economy begins contracting. This condition has been worsened as the ruling class was pulling money out of various economies through taxpayer debt funding of illegal wars they profited off of while also bailing out the banks and multinational corporations they ruling class was invested in - amounting to socialism meant to perpetuate the wealth and power of those that exploit the public as a matter of routine business. The current economic contraction has been exacerbated by COVID-19 policies that became the official scape goat for the economic collapse that was inevitable before Cv19 due to the last fifty years of mismanagement and malfeasance in the US and West.

Neoliberal economics is largely a fraud sold with lies and distortions through the “education” indoctrination system as well as through the Western establishment’s expansive propaganda media industry.

Contrary to what we’ve all been programmed to believe and are in denial of, neoliberal economics combined with the globalization scheme, has successfully converted the US political-economic system into a form of corporate fascism where 80% of the public is concerned. Because both major US political parties have been catering to the globalization scheme starting before WWI actually, our foreign policy today amounts to imposing economic and military tyranny on indigenous populations and what are supposed to be “sovereign nations” that were and are robbed of their natural resource inheritance - as part of the process of “privatizing” the world’s resources which benefits top echelon globalists at the expense of civilized humanity in numerous ways.

Right or wrong, it seems pretty clear in my own mind at least, that if they’re not stopped, according to what they themselves have been telling us, and judging by their past criminal actions, the globalists intend to impose what will be a Globalist Fascist Surveillance Police State wherever they have sufficient power and influence in the world.

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