Like all the teachers of wisdom, Ben Sirach, was concerned about the science that deals with living well, that is why this teacher deals in the book that bears his name about the supreme science, wisdom, and the path that leads us to her, the Fear of God.
The first part begins by extolling the attributes of wisdom, and then continues by describing the benefits and blessings of living according to the fear of God.
The fear of God is the spiritual gift that predisposes the heart to listen to the wisdom and the divine mysteries. Those who do not fear God cannot convert or repent of their sins. The fear of God is the beginning of spiritual life in man giving joy and happiness in the heart of man:
"The fear of the Lord is glory and exultation, and gladness and a crown of rejoicing.
The fear of the Lord delights the heart, and gives gladness and joy and long life.
Those who fear the Lord will have a happy end; on the day of their death they will be blessed", Sirach 1:11-13
The fear of God or piety is defined as constancy, firmness, devotion, equanimity, stability. This spiritual gift is one of the most important gifts in man, even more important than mercy, because wisdom bears fruit through constancy, the fear of God is the way to the spiritual enlightenment of man:
"To fear the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; she is created with the faithful in the womb.
She made among human beings an eternal foundation, and among their descendants she will abide faithfully.
To fear the Lord is fullness of wisdom; she inebriates mortals with her fruits;
she fills their whole house with desirable goods, and their storehouses with her produce.
The fear of the Lord is the crown of wisdom, making peace and perfect health to flourish." Sirach 1:14-18.
Living with wisdom is beyond justice or values, true wisdom cannot be understood "rationally", this is the mistake most people make, living with wisdom is living with a grace that allows us to enter in communion with the creation of God ( and this is why wisdom leads to prophecy ), and to achieve this we need a way, the fear of God, this is ultimately what Ben Sira explains to us.
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