Gluon - An Intelligent Connected Automotive Marketplace

in gluon •  6 years ago 

Blockchain technologies have been able to modernize and improve many sectors of people’s professional and daily life, increasing the percentage of comfort by facilitating many processes. The Gluon system uses all the most advanced means to improve the field of trucking. Now an interconnected automobile network is available, with which both ordinary people and business representatives, including large enterprises, will be able to monitor the traffic of vehicles in real time, to influence some processes, to adjust and notice problems in time.

In recent years, many innovations have emerged in the automotive industry, for example, now cars can independently carry out parking without driver participation, and independently, without a driver, move with alternative energy sources. Despite this, cars are left without control in most cases, which could solve many convenience and safety problems in this area. Now, with the development of the Internet, it became possible to use devices that help to track the current location of road transport, but they are used in very rare cases, since this technology is not fully thought out.

Gluon provides users with a unique opportunity - now you can connect your car to the services of manufacturers, auto part stores and repair shops in order to timely diagnose the car, quickly and conveniently make an order for spare parts and make requests for repairs. With the help of blockchain technologies, consumers can now set the most favorable settings for their vehicles, fully regulate its use and increase productivity in general. For repair shops, the Gluon system makes it possible to perform diagnostics even more carefully and to select the most suitable and beneficial parts for the owner. For business owners, Gluon is a great chance to enter a new, larger market, and for large distributors it is possible to immediately track incoming orders and immediately send them.

According to many experts in related fields, Gluon is not just an excellent idea, but an opportunity to organize an excellent business with well-established processes and a reliable, profitable financing system that will provide the company with a stable, high income in the near future. Gluon includes a team of experienced professionals and already has several offices in the US, the UK, India, etc.

Within the framework of Gluon platform, it is possible to pay with the use of Bitcoin cryptocurrency, as well as with own system tokens - GLU. Revenues can be obtained from different flows, for example, sales, subscription to the necessary services and software, analytics services, advertising, etc. The blockchain technology assures almost unlimited opportunities within the platform to connect smart cars to each other, as well as their connection with representatives of repair and other services that are necessary for car enthusiasts. The possibilities of artificial intelligence have reached the automotive sphere, making the existence of all its aspects more comfortable.

Another important goal of Gluon is to make the technological gap between the usual vehicles and the more expensive cars with an electric or hybrid engine as small and inconspicuous as possible. Technologies for tracking and various reporting in the automotive sphere are still used quite rarely, most often they are used only when a car is under repair in a car service, and that is not always the case. The Gluon platform using IoT, AI, cloud platform and blockchain system allows doing this to every person or organization without much effort.

Now, the high blockchain technology works for the benefit of the automotive industry, which is actively promoted by Gluon system. With this platform, both private users and large organizations can monitor their vehicles in real time, make repair requests and much more, easily and safely making payments with cryptocurrency. 


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