I look at the world and these are the two barometers I use to judge if a political leader is trustworthy or not.
1 . Your stance on GMO or Monsanto/Bayer
GMO is the barometer to see if your government cares about environment or its citizens. If your country ban GMO, then you’re in good hands. If almost ALL your corns & soys are frankenfoods, like the US, then its people are not loved by its government.
2 . Syria’s president Bashar al-Assad
Syria is the barometer to see if the person is aware of world affairs, or if your country is for wars or not. If you think Assad is the evil whom Syrians want gone, then you are ignorant or just a war hawk sold out to the Deep State. If you think Assad did chemical attacks, then you’re getting news from cooperate cheerleaders for Military Industrial Complex, and not from investigative journalists.
GMO farmers spraying poison killing the bees and all to produce crops which seeds will not regrow.
Eva Karene Bartlett interviewing the father of Omran Daqneesh, the boy whose image was captured in the ambulance in Syria