[ENG-ESP] homemade gnocchi recipe! // Receta de ñoquis caseros!

in gnocchi •  3 years ago 

Hello gluttonous friends of FOODIES BEE HIVE! How you are today? I hope good, eating delicious and cooking a lot! Today I am going to share with you a recipe for potato gnocchi that I made on the 29th as is customary in my country and I believe that in neighboring countries such as Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay too! since it is a custom of Italian immigrants that according to what they told me is done because being almost the last day of the month there were not many resources to cook so they created this recipe that is super simple and delicious. Let's get started!

Hola amigos glotones de FOODIES BEE HIVE! como se encuentran el dia de hoy? espero que bien, comiendo rico y cocinando mucho! el dia de hoy voy a compartirles una receta de ñoquis de papa que realicé el dia 29 como es costumbre en mi pais y creo yo que en los paises limitrofes como chile, paraguay y uruguay tambien! ya que es una costumbre de lo inmigrantes italianos que segun me contaron se realiza porque al ser casi el ultimo dia del mes no habia muchos recursos para cocinar entonces crearon esta receta que es super sencilla y deliciosa. Comencemos!


The main ingredient in this recipe is potatoes. What a noble vegetable is the potato. We are going to start by cleaning it with a brush and water, it is important that the skin is very clean since we are going to cook it with the skin so that it does not absorb so much water.

El principal ingrediente de ésta receta es la papa. Que verdura tan noble es la papa. Vamos a comenzar limpiandola con un cepillo y con agua, es importante que esté la cascara bien limpia ya que vamos a cocinarlo con cascara para que no absorba tanta agua.

We are going to boil the potato with skin for approximately 20 min, or until it is pierced and it is no longer hard. We are going to strain it and give it a jet of cold water from the tap to help us remove the skin and cut the cooking. I recommend that you already peel it and transfer it to a container while it is hot.

Vamos a hervir la papa con cascara por aproximadamente 20 min, o hasta que lo pinches y ya no esté duro. Lo vamos a colar y darle un chorro de agua fria del grifo para ayudarnos a remover la cascara y que se corte la coccion. Recomiendo que ya lo peles y lo pases a un recipiente mientras esté caliente.

In a container we are going to make a puree as we usually do, with its traditional seasonings. I use salt, grated nutmeg, milk, and butter. Let's make the puree and let it cool very well.

En un recipiente vamos a realizar un puré como usualmente lo hacemos, con sus condimentos tradicionales. Yo utilizo sal, nuez moscada rallada, leche y manteca. Vamos realizar el pure y dejarlo enfriar muy bien.

after some time and when our puree is really cold we will continue with the recipe. We are going to add an egg or two small eggs to the puree and mix. Also I added green onion because I LOVE IT and I add it to all recipes haha

transcurrido algun tiempo y cuando nuestro puré esté realmente frio vamos a seguir con la receta. Vamos a agregarle al pure un huevo o dos huevos pequeños y mezclamos. Ademas agregué cebolla de verdeo porque LO AMO y se lo agrego a todas las recetas jaja



We are going to place flour on the counter where we are going to knead and place the puree in the center. I used about half a kilo of flour, for a total of one and a half kilograms of potatoes. You should not use a lot of flour because otherwise the gnocchi will be hard. So little by little we are going to add the flour with the kneading and when you feel that the dough is already manageable and elastic, let it rest.

Vamos a colocar harina en la mesada donde vamos a amasar y colocamos el pure en el centro. Yo utilicé aproximadamente medio kilo de harina, para un total de un kilo y medio de papas. No debes utilizar mucha harina porque sino los ñoquis quedaran duros. Asi que poco a poco vamos a ir agregando la harina con el amasado y cuando sientas que la masa ya está manejable y elastica dejala descansar.


We are going to separate the dough into small pieces and make sausages with the dough haha I don't know how to explain it but it looks good in the image. We are going to make sausages of the same thickness.

Vamos a separar la masa en pequeños trozos y hacer salchichas con la masa jaja no se como explicarlo pero en la imagen se ve bien. Vamos a hacer salchichas del mismo grosor.



we will cut the dough into small pieces of the same size with a knife, and with a spoon we will shape them into gnocchi! This is simple, do not be scared, you just have to place the piece of dough on the fork and squeeze it by sliding down, the shape will be made by itself :)

cortaremos con un cuchillo la masa en pequeños trozos del mismo tamaño, y con una cuchara les daremos la forma de ñoqui! esto es sencillo, no te asustes, solo debes colocar el trocito de masa en el tenedor y apretarlo deslizando hacia abajo, la forma se realizará sola :)



The gnocchi cooking is magical, in a pot with boiling water and a little salt we are going to place a batch of gnocchi and after five minutes they will float and tell you that they are ready to eat! easy right?

La coccion del ñoqui es magica, en una olla con agua hirviendo y un poco de sal vamos a colocar una tanda de ñoquis y transcurridos cinco minutos estos flotaran y te avisaran que ya estan listos para comer! facil verdad?



I made a lot of gnocchi and a lot of cooking batches so I strained them and transferred them to a platter with bolognese sauce and olive oil. When they were all done I gratin them in the oven!

Hice muchisimos ñoquis y muchisimas tandas de coccion asi que fui colandolos y pasandolos a una fuente con salsa bologñesa y aceite de oliva. Cuando todos estuvieron listos los gratiné en el horno!


And this is the final result! a delicious plate of homemade gnocchi with homemade bolognese and grated cheese! You can see the recipe for the bolognese here, where he had also made gnocchi haha

y este es el resultado final! un riquisimo plato de ñoquis caseros con bologñesa tambien casera y queso rallado! puedes ver la receta de la bologñesa aqui, donde tambien habia hecho ñoquis jaja
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