in gnt •  6 years ago 

The @binanceexchange is something I've just started using. There are times I wish I didn't start. I entered crypto currency this January. Yeah! For me it was my gift to myself after the holidays. Technology was a buzz kill. To be honest... As a entrepreneur hacked, and mangled by the insanity of wars raging outside myself, I'm still in recovery mode. Obviously, I have a strong desire to make money in the unique way of online revenues. I know that the entirety of the crypto currency market is backboned by the Bitcoin. It makes sense to trade the BTC for altcoin for that reason in my opinion. I'm not posting this to give anyone financial advice. I always advice you follow your own heart. Trading in ETH or BNB on BInance can be done as well. TETHER also offers an attempt at stability in the volatile cryptocurrency market market. A number of coins can be purchase on Binance exchanging TETHER to BTC, ETH, BNB, ADA, etc. Many already have the basics there covered. Shout out to those of you getting your feet wet in crypto currency.

It's 12:07 AM and I'm watching the GNT bounce between 47%-49% trending upward appearing in 10th place considering the amount of volume exchanged. There is this giant green line. I was looking at the website previous to this moment. Now, if you're into 3D design you already know it's a sophisticated time consuming business. Articulation is important in the craft of your chosen path. This website appears as the smoothest running thing on the planet. From the perspective of creation of graphics existing on the site I'm visually lured to know more about Golem. The first thing that comes to my mind is J. R. Tolken's hobbit. That's where I would begin the mysterious to have previous reference of Golem. Perhaps, kids these days will have a better perspective on life when coming to know it as a crypto currency. However, I would never trade the cringy creature that lost his ring to the crafty hobbit. In consideration to the GNT everything here is a comment made freely by myself. GNT didn't hire me to come up with this amazing insightful passage that people can place into google translate, than click the speaker button, and listen in any language within googles speech to text translation. I have many tricks of the technology trade. I've practiced some avoidance of crypto currency due to the scrutiny surrounding the blockchain. The effect of government regulation is something that can come with future analysis as well. Everyone is asking are we over the hump? Personally, I gather that inviting others to join the blockchain is assisting the blockchain. I believe my previous post would provide insights on my way of thought where a franchise coin is hypothesized. Time jump right into this link! WAIT! I always put these novice elements in because one day I'm the guy that told you right click >> open in new window >> and I'm later thanked for being the one to teach someone to master the opening of tab windows. However, people haven't really thanked me for the ninja tricks I leak within my writing. LETS DO THIS : https://golem.network/

At first, my screen opened to this mysterious navy color projecting a multiple a bubbles. Geometric shapes form and rotate as if connected by fine threads. The visual esthetic of the graphic is most definitely the composition of 3D graphics savant. If I scroll over it and move the cursor around the background of this website appears to move with a mesmerizing response. If I was to relate this to J.R. Tolken we are at the point of leaving the hobbit hut for the first time to venture onward. I see the word golem in a unique font. Once again attention to detail. My options are to select explore... There is an arrow appearing in a downward direction. Does this mean the value is expected to go down? NO! Stay with me everyone, the effects of that evil eye of humor are upon me tonight! Traveling downward isn't going to be my option. I think positively and I'm going to select the Home button in the top tab bar of the website. Perfect! I know how to get back to where we started! Now right to left!

WHEN OPENING THE TAB USE CASES AND SCROLLING DOWN! I realize... This Golem cares very much about rendering. This person also cares very much about processing. How do I know? I'm guessing. I'm suspecting that by the way the graphics are rendering it makes sense. Let's keep scrolling downward... If you want. I'm not giving you website window advice pertaining to persuasion of crypto purchase. I find it fun to research these technologies. If this GOLEM is anything like JR's GOLEM than we may be in for some luck! The big question is how far will this bull run upward? Everything has relativity to time. Tomorrow, tonight, the fifteen minute chart. It's taken longer to read this than reading on the Golem website. But, there are MACHINES! YES! Machines that POWER! Once again there is a lot of love for processing ini this group of processionals by suspect of graphic mesmerization powers. At current it appears the corporation is investigating and has research and development in consideration. I'm imagining the time it would take for me to figure out how to make graphics like these in a three dimensional landscape to oscillate in hopes positive vibes can be achieved while viewing one within a real estate art installation. I suppose, if you're so GOLEM, and make Gucci money on GNT gains. Your spin on words would come with a sense of emphasis. Where those that can reference these graphics may think of throw backs to say in a different way. You're so Golem and didn't even know GMT before it hit Binance. That's me right now. Further down the windy road just outside of the hobbits abode. I see references for blog, reddit, rocket.chat, etc. Sign up, email, email Golem. This is a good time for reviewing this footer. News letter can keep me informed. Signing up there may give me a better understanding of GNT. Information is what makes for the knowledge that's necessary to configure how these graphics are happening. UP ARROW! WHAT! I HAVE TO HIT THAT! SMASH! I'm on the TEAM page! MOST OF THEM HAVE LINKED LINKS! I'M ON LINKED TOO! https://www.linkedin.com/in/christiansutter. Social media comes with cultivation in some aspects. If you're on LinkedIn and know what a LinkedIn Lion is than you're on the right track. My following is nearing 5,000. But, this is about the people that round out the staff of these amazing orbs. Immediately, it's like saying you're Bilbo on halloween, I notice that there is diversity internationally among the group. This makes me think that these people may have discovered one another playing a unique game. While in chat, they may have said things to one another like; "How BOOL you?" leading to the slightest indicator that within technologies forest of tokens was a way outside the gaming. To invest serious time into a way to figure out how to afford things and continue to game on the hottest games ever to come out. I'm looking at these moving objects like I'm Bilbo running from Golem over the orbs with rings inscribed GNT. At this point. I'm thinking; "If I reference them all?" And, that's how I end up writing this article. The tab selection would be a nice feature for those interested in investigating the staff behind the hypnotic orb set which appears responsive at times. You may have a LinkedIn and want to follow or connect with them there as well. It appears the founder is from Warsaw Poland. I'm not sure if there's a Polish version of the story the hobbit. Interestingly enough, if you follow the @Sutter story, Poland is one of the Kingdoms within the House of Bourbon. At this time, infamy is a great word for my existence. I'm real, Bilbo isn't real, and Julian Zawistowski started it all! "If I add him as a connection. Will he add me back? The reason why I bring up the House of Bourbon is because in infamy today. Poland has a King. That's right! You can debate me on this all you want. But, you first have to understand the conception that the French Divine Right is different from the British Monarchy explanation. And, so too is my analysis equating to Royals as advisors near and dear to national loyalists. I believe royals to be the fabric of a nations loyalty that aims to keeps peace by upholding boundaries appropriate consideration of divisions. Here's JULIAN! https://pl.linkedin.com/in/julian-zawistowski-352478
Let us roll further along the to find that my brother is the King of Poland. It's true. He accepted. I made my dad the King of Italy because I figure he can better handle the mob. It's the truth. My father wanted to be the King of Israel. But, I claimed it. Since Israel property boundaries are in debate, the dispute would gather that abdication doesn't strip succession of later elevations, and that as the King of Italy. We have to see how he does handling the mafia first of all. Italy has stories of mafia that are cringy. If you're scared by the mafia than you're not alone. What can the venture into the tunnel tell us? Should we enter the cave and go deeper? Would we eventually arrive at this! THE GITHUB https://github.com/golemfactory/golem. I wouldn't really know how to navigate that much. I'm imagining a person with Golem like eyes that goes 100 after GNT is listed on the Binance exchange. The visual aesthetic of the person is far more pleasing than the movies depiction. This person has crazy typing hands. Their brain processes configure that something in the Github is sheer genius. This hypothetical person that may or may not exist may or may not be wearing pantyhose. But, whatever the clicking on the keyboard was opens pandoras box. At the hour of 1:04 AM light begins to shoot out of the computer. The animation created in the event that such a configuration stuck gold was made possible within the source existing on the Github. This is the kind of speculation that is meant to be humorous.
Disclaimer : I'm not trying to indicate anything cryptically when using numeric characters.
The since of it all...
I jumped and clicked the DOWNLOAD! THERE IT IS THE GOLDEN RING!
OK! There are so many things to install... I'm turning back! THIS IS TOO ADVANCED FOR ME AT THE MOMENT!
I'm making a big deal out of a download to be theatrical. Not all things in this post are theatrical.
How do these disclaimers work?
Disclaimer : Not all things on the @Sutter account are meant to be taken literally.

Disclaimer : I have actual documentation backing up my claim as direct successor family of France. "El Capitaine"

I may regret only signing up for the emailer. This is the point where Golem may be mad. I may have something to offer. It may be just like a JR Tollken novel. If it's the best selling thing on Earth. WHY? That's all I want to know. Than, it's all speculation, and fake news. Making sense of the numbers is going to come with time to read the blog. I AM IN ON THE BLOG LINK! I may be wrong. But, the blog appears to be created on Wordpress framework. I'm familiar. But, I might be wrong. These people are sophisticated technology professionals. The post on this blog offers information and insights that may provide clues as to why the 47% - 49% is now around 53%. I am arriving at the "2 min read" portion thinking that AI may fail to notice I have a brain! OH NO! Should there ever be a terminator bot that trims down the population to spare the human race from extension it would be ironic. While my last moment in that hypothetical might arrive to be one last laugh. I'm not laughing when I say that Binance has done a great job to bring influencers to their exchange. Once again, that's how I find things on the internet. One day you skyrocket. The next day? Where are the upvotes on Steemit? Did some Golem turn on society because a hobbit stole his ring? It's right and wrong to debate what's going on in crypto currency. I wanted to make it fun tonight. I know that people will likely roast me because I've leaked the completion of my education level. However, those very same people may not be aware of analytical data which can educate them on education vs wealth. If you want to make money on GNT the only way to do it is? There are more ways than one. Bilbo could have left the ring behind for Golem. What did Golem have? Precious. That was it. Golem would say "My precious." I'm wondering if there's a song called buy GNT with verse opening buy STEEM. If there was, and it became popular, would the lyrics have to include a disclaimer? Would the concert goers turn Bilbo and make a dip into the evil pot of rock music telling them to pump it up. I'm so afraid to mention those words. I had pump shoes. Not heels. I'm a man. The basketball shoe. You would pump it up. I don't think referencing that can do anything other than raise awareness to the fact that you don't want to look like hollywood's version of Golem on the outside on the inside. If you're on the inside you may know what's going on here in consideration to estimation in forecasting. I'm sure, that like myself, there are those that would like to try to make sense of the truth in the volume. For Golem in the movie his luck wasn't entirely fortunate. Sequel after sequel and the fight for "my precious" began. If for someday this post lasts for thousands of years. The reason the photos may not be working is because I can't account for the potential to afford the server in the distant future. However. If, for some chance the space war should accidentally find aerospace professionals on Steemit. Than, Steemit has a space base that prevents the processors from going without a distant future chance with signal. Than... You have more time on your hands. Between looking at the numbers bounce before your eyes with a thirsty Golem snarl. We can see it's still going up. From this post, you can see, we are still not aware of very much other than my humor and how you can investigate. Blog roll read. The 2 min time has not increased when revisiting the blog. It's not artificial intelligent systems coming together to perform an analysis based on my device use information. What if people can't read in English is the only question I have here? Obviously, they can translate the text. But, if you try to read something in another language? And, don't understand the language? It may take a long time before you can read the article.

I'm so curious... I just found THIS : https://golem.network/doc/Golemwhitepaper.pdf THAT'S RIGHT. WHITE PAPER! Can you believe it? Everyone has WHITE PAPER in this industry. Meanwhile, most of their writing is done on the computer. Figure that out and perhaps you'll be ready to make serendipitous reference to the graphics. Twenty eight pages! The text in the white paper is all different colors, shades, and most commonly found on white paper is there too. They are using COLORFUL TEXT! The also have black text. White paper and black text. These are people that have it together in Poland for sure. I promise to read this whole thing! I have the ring and I'm making a break. Fear no mythical beasts in the forests of crypto currency. Fear them all, research them as best you can, and when arriving on Binance be thankful the CEO there has created parameters of coin selection to promote increasing volume trade with market following power. Their slack account has a link in the white paper that's since been deleted https://zp6c6gx6-golemproject.slack.com/ I suppose reference to that phase of the plan may have been removed from public view. The white paper is telling me that "Complete Information" is important. The information coming from the Whitehouse fails to reach me in it's truth. Is it real? Is this the creature that is careless with golden ring which can create the property of invisibility. How many times will I find myself mesmerized to win? That's the chances you take when you take it from the start. I image these corporations like puppies. Where dogs are developed into something dependent on their trainers ability to sustain appropriate communication. Should, anyone have a dog whispering ability, than it's likely that they would keep their dog away from a cringy Golem. Is there a price? What's the price? Would you be in on something if it was slightly cringy? I shouldn't be knocking the white paper. People roast me for my opinion from time to time. But, I'm usually the one that's best educated on the subject. I often suspect the response is capacity overload. Why did GNT skyrocket? I have no idea. But, I have been looking for patterns! The next question! Has anyone done... Homework for the analysts out there! Has anyone done their homework on this topic? Is it the effect of Bianance? I'm just going to amp up Binance like it's the Earth in the JR Tolken script. I suspect that it may be in part to entering exchanges like Binance. The audience of holdings exists in many various exchanges. The migration into Binance has sparked curiosity. Throw back tutorial videos at with various reference number to multiples of exchanges are sometimes heartbreaking. Had I been in back than? Would I have the Musical.ly crown? Is it RiceGum and JakePaul fabricating a Litcoin story with pump and dump indicators so they can afford the house? RiceGum does reference Bitcoin in his songs. There are a lot of people looking at this with coke bottle thick glasses. If you've just arrived here on Steemit follow @Sutter for the best articles that he can fabricate. The evolution is always happening. However, I cannot conclude anything whatsoever in accordance to what's going on with GNT gains before researching further. TO THE TIMELINE IN THE WHITE PAPER. IT'S THERE IN THE BLACK TEXT! Could be? Something happen?

Comment with your thoughts on what you think happened. All forms of sus thoughts are welcomed here...

#GNT #Golem #Commentary #Disclaimers #Skyrocket

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Take a look at the GNT or Golem Network!

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