Never Doubt Yourself

in goals •  6 years ago  (edited)

Never Doubt Yourself

There are some situations where we feel very insecure with the decisions that need to be made. It is normal to feel that way till we figure things out and we become very comfortable in taking some action. However, sometimes even when we know we will do just fine, we tend to pay attention to negative thoughts and we become doubtful.


It looks pretty simple when we can see ourselves in the image above, where we can see the whole picture of what we need to do to get to our destination. This is pretty much what life looks like in many times. Do you see now what I am talking about?

So once again, trust yourself and don't doubt yourself once you know the direction you need to go. Follow that path even if you fail. If you fail, get up again and keep it going. Success is just a bunch of failures all together, do you see the big picture now?

"Blessed are those who follow their path even when the end of the road can't be seen"

Many blessings to all my friends.


"The power of your words depends on the power of your actions"
"Blessed are those who follow their path even when the end of the road can't be seen"
"Save yourself, Your Life Is 100% Your Responsibility"
"Make your future bigger than your Past"
"Take care of your dreams today, so your dreams take care of you tomorrow"
"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love"
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday"
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you"
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, you're giving part of yourself"
"Embrace your dream with passion and love, and money will come after you"

Stay blessed.


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According to my point of view decision making is very tough job but once we got confidence on ourselves we can easily make decisions :)

you do have a great point, it is very true, hoping for the best :)

Golden words, my friend, "get up again and continue to move" and very correctly said! All of us can experience a temporary shock from failures on our path, but from failure we need to understand the mistakes and having understood the situation, with faith in ourselves, to continue our progress. Only in this way will we achieve success and the embodiment of our dream! Thank you @javybar

Faith moves mountains my friend, keep it up! :)

Confiar no solo en los demas , si no tambien en nosotros mismos , creo que esta es la base para empezar a escalar , no importa que tan lejos este lo que buscamos , debemos seguir adelante , aunque se haga un alto en el camino .
Buen post @javybar :)

Bien dicho! Gracias!

Hahaha I'm afraid to see the picture.
But the real failure is a delayed success. Without success failure will not be beautiful.

not an easy thing to do but not impossible my friend. The image is a bit funny, but has lots of truth, thank you!

Don't ever doubt yourselves or waste a second of your life. It's too short, and you're too special.

its very universal truth dear.... @javybar friend..Really we shouldn't doubt ourself because when we will doubt then our confidence will be finish when confidence will finish we can't get goal. thanks to sharing for your good motivation...

you are very welcome :)

we are all specials, thanks for the contribution.

I accept for one to achieve his goal he needs to confront a considerable measure of challenges. A few times the goals are at a little separation away however the obstacles make it harder to accomplish. You have shared extremely motivational post. It will unquestionably profit numerous individuals.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

thank you very much my friend :)

Those who hasn't faced any failure ever doesn't know the taste of the victory. Every failure has a lesson in it. Those who understand that lesson and doesn't quit and try again, get success ultimately.

About the self doubt I would say:
When you aren't confident of yourself how could you expect others to trust you.

so true my friend, thanks!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

your thought always perfect dear..i appreciate your giving always right time right thing gift for every steemians..its helped me my work improved doing in my steemit platform.. if you never doubt yourself, this should be the main rule for any situation and no matter how difficult it is in life or in the things that we do, we must overcome the feeling of insecurity and continue moving forward! Everything is in our hands and we make our destiny! my needs your helped for my dream success in the future..i wish your best of luck and take care yourself dear... every dream being successs for your help.i want always your support..its my future dream..dear.. @javybar very well done

Very good job my friend, we can all help each other here. Keep this up!

Every one of us can encounter an impermanent stun from disappointments on our way, yet from disappointment we have to comprehend the mix-ups and having comprehended the circumstance, with confidence in ourselves, to proceed with our advance. Just along these lines will we make progress and the exemplification of our fantasy! Much thanks to you @javybar

thank you for your contribution :)

You have your own value in your life. No one has right to interfere in your life. You shouldn't doubt yourself. Your belief is everything. You have to work hard, you have to struggle more. If you doubt yourself then I am sure that no one will believe you. Instead of believing you they will make a funny joke about you.

Great post.Loved the amazing picture. Yes, my friend when we left doubting ourself then we start to get more and more closer to our goals. Lack of self .confidence means lack of trust in ourself.It is one of the difficulties which between we and our dream and when you throw that away then you close to your goals.Thanks for sharing it with us. @javybar

great explanation my friend, totally with you here. :)

Really we shouldn't doubt ourself because when we will doubt then our confidence will be finish when confidence will finish we can't get goal.

Totally agree with you!

the subconscious works consistently according to the habits we experience, so very precisely what you say @ javybar, we are more afraid to fail than to try, because our mind leads us that failure is more painful, when it is all just a life process ,, why we do not learn to enjoy every inch of the process ,,
be happy with what we accomplished today and so on

that is the feeling and thought we all need to overcome in order to move forward my friend, wishing you the best :)

Blessed are those who follow their path even when the end of the road can't be seen"

obviously !they keep believing in themself
they know one day their efforts will be fruitfull
doubt creates different hurdles

very true my friend :) Started following you :)

Self assurance is the most imperative to achievement in objective. Perhaps mission incomprehensible yet we should attempt over and over then the mission be effective else we are unsuccessful.

Very true!

Favored are the individuals who take after their way notwithstanding when the finish of the street can't be seen. clearly !they continue having faith in themself. they know one day their endeavors will be fruitful. question makes distinctive obstacles

thanks :)

what golden words you have posted and actually doubting your abilities will make you doubt you on your identity and will let you to doubt about your living so never doubt about yourself!

Exactly! Great comment! thanks :)

a motivator only fosters outside belief, ultimate trust and total success exists in the way we think and act, I deeply agree with @ javybar.
wake up and reinforce the positive mind to be happy and succeed, greetings, blessings for everything

thank you for your contribution my friend! :) started following you


This is a human feeling, which is normal among any age gathering and not simply constrained to the adolescents.

it is normal, but we can all evolve from that :)

When you believe in you, you need no other to believe in you because others really have no say
in who you will become. Only you have that say
Only you can decide if other's opinions become reality or you can create your own fate.

Adored the stunning picture. Indeed, my companion when we cleared out questioning ourself then we begin to get increasingly nearer to our objectives. Absence of self .certainty implies absence of trust in ourself.It is one of the challenges which amongst we and our fantasy and when you discard that then you near your goals.Thanks for imparting it to us. @javybar

Very inspiring words my friend. Working on the things that will make goals happen is very important to have a great picture in your mind of what needs to be done. I appreciate your comment. Thanks! I Started following you

@javybar, You have to live your life in an effective way. You have to believe in yourself first then other people will believe you. You are here to do something new in this world. There present many people who want to drag you down so never give up in your life. You have to walk in your own way. You have to get success in life at any cost. Without success, your life is nothing. If you doubt yourself then you won't get success in your life.

Thank you very much for your contribution :)

You pick up quality, boldness, and certainty by each involvement in which you truly stop to look fear in the face. You can state to yourself.


self doubt is a little monster in your head that loves to wreak havoc, tell you you’re not good enough, and coerce you to settle for less than you’re truly capable of achieving.

correct! that is why we all need to work on rewiring our brain to self confidence. thank you! :)

To the very point @javybar, can never doubt yourself, this should be the main rule for any situation and no matter how difficult it is in life or in the things that we do, we must overcome the feeling of insecurity and continue moving forward! Everything is in our hands and we make our destiny!

Totally agree with you buddy, it's all up to us. I started following you :)

Right saying sir @javybar. Self-confidence is the most important to success in goal. Maybe mission impossible but we should try again and again then the mission be successful otherwise we are unsuccessful.

lots of common sense here, thank you!

"Blessed are those who follow their path even when the end of the road can't be seen"

I have proved it in a piece of my life story.


Seha wants to conclude in a short sentence:
The more often you experience failure, your brain will be increasingly trained to deal with problems and how to find a way out.

My friend's success !!

loved it! thank you!

100 percent agreed!
If you want to do something and people are pulling you off!
Just have believed in you, you are doing to do it and you will do it.

All of your posting is in line with reality. These articles are very important to achieve success in our lives.Thanks for share.

you are very welcome :)

Don't ever doubt yourselves or waste a second of your life.... execcelent motivationimages (29).jpeg


All my life I wanted other people to believe in me and yet I did not belief in myself.
Now I realize that we project into others what we feel inside. We reflect in other our inner feelings .
Therefore if we want others to belief in us , first we have to belief in ourselves..Thanks for sharing such an inspirational post.

you are very welcome :)

if its our goal we have to believe it because no one other will help only we have to carry and go on :D

by my opinion
When you shift to a determined, creative mindset, you begin to discover solutions for challenges that you may have believed were out of your control. If your life depended on it, would you come up with a new idea or strategy to save yourself? Absolutely.

The goal you want to achieve or the problem you want to solve probably is not a life-or-death scenario, but many creative solutions come when you put everything on the line. While your life may not be at risk

Yeah I've seen this image very deeply and I understood now just have to be positive thinking first we imagined it what we want to do. We should always follow the right path and never doubt yourself. :)

I could have not said better than you! thanks my friend :)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Really pearl of wisdom @javybar Doubt ceased your dreams and passion. More over it creates fear & fear is the biggest hurdle between successful and unsuccessful life. Doubting yourself mean you stop yourself for doing wonders. So just do whatever you decide with full devotion and don't doubt overcome you. Failure come in the life. All you need is self confidence. Don't stop trying. Success is obtain by the combination of failure. Success is just like a ladder which can't be climbed in a day or so. You need self belief, hardwork, devotion and dedication. All the best
@javybar i nominated you for #steemitnamechallenge in my latest post. It is an honor for me if you take part in this challenge. keep sharing @javybar

I appreciate your contribution. I upvoted your post. I would have to create a good post for it. I will try, thanks :)

Thanks for stopping by @javybar and your words of encouragement. waiting to read interesting story of yourself. keep sharing @javybar

You are true! We always pay attention to negative thoughts first which is really not good for ourselves and mentally health as well. We should have faith in ourselves to do anything.

you the stunning picture so good, also agree with you sir. no one shouldn't doubt him/her self. cz when you take any decision behind when you throw that away then you close to your goals.Thanks for sharing it with us thanks

you are very welcome! Started following you :)

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

You are very right my friend. Those moments is where we need to change the course and move on in the right direction.

You are right,
we should have always self-confident. The goal should be put forward in front of it.

agree with you! :) started following you

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'

thanks :)

Your every post is just good.
You motivated us. Thanks to you.

Glad to know that :)

Wow great lessons for a successful life. How are you doing? Thanks for sharing such an inspirational post.

my dear friend, you have appeared again. Hope you are doing well. I have been pretty good. Thanks for the kind words.

Thanks for your sweet reply, good luck friend.

I believe for one to reach his destination he has to face a lot of difficulties. Some times the destinations are at a little distance away but the hurdles make it harder to achieve. You have shared very motivational post. It will surely benefit many people.

You are very welcome my friend, thank you for your great contribution :)

I agree with you @javybar. You should never doubt yourself. Trust the person and be responsible.

true statements my friend, thank you for the comment :)

Really inspiring blog sir... i also agree with you sir. no one shouldn't doubt him/her self. cz when you take any decision behind this it's has to be a reason.

very true, thank you!

This is a human emotion, which is common among any age group and not just limited to the youngsters. So just relax!

thanks for this, great information....

What makes a river so restful to people is that it doesn't have any doubt it is sure to get where it is going, and it doesn't want to go anywhere else...

Absolutely @javybar, no futile failures, experience is the best teacher. Let's learn from failure to succeed in welcoming us.

You are right @javybar. There is no success without failure. We must continue to work hard to overcome all obstacles to success.

We must remain confident in ourselves and in decisions
Really wonderful article
Well done

You are right, doubt is a bad companion in life. Life is really simple!
We ourselves complicate it with our doubts and a presentiment of failure. As Mark Twain said (In twenty years you will be more sorry for what NOT DID, than about what you MADE.)

It is very nice to say a word. To keep yourself self-confident in the business. The duty of the person must be respected and never be doubted @javybar

The individuals who hasn't confronted any disappointment ever doesn't know the essence of the triumph. Each disappointment has a lesson in it. The individuals who comprehend that lesson and doesn't stop and attempt once more, get achievement eventually.

As per my perspective basic leadership is extremely intense occupation however once we got certainty on ourselves we can without much of a stretch decide.

Self-confidence is extremely important in almost every aspect of our lives, yet so many people struggle to find it. Sadly, this can be a vicious circle: people who lack self-confidence can find it difficult to become successful

Exactly we hv to trust ourselves unless u will surly fail in our life... But sometimes when we in a odd situations on tht time we fall in a dilema wht is wrong or wht is right..A gd decision cn change a mans life & on the othr hand a bad decision ruins the life so we hv to think vry deeply before doing something...


we should take a rest after we have reached goal

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


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Actullay when we suffer a problem, We go after the unrest.

Yes I do completely agree !Life sometimes puts us into very difficult situations but like you said we need to stay calm and analyze it and have to just carry on in order to reach out to our glory !

Life will never be easy .No success is achieved without hard work and determination !

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its really great post

well i have full faith on this before taking any decision think think and more think over it but once you take your decision have full faith on it never doubt your decision

Most times we need to endure the challenges and strive for the main goal.

When we have the fear of our failure, our success just postponed, get rid of your fear and doubt of the failure, and run faster to our goal, that is all we need to do. thank you @javybar

good information. thanks for sharing.

Thank you for this wonderful article. It contains a huge motivation for action. Good luck to you and Love.

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