Enjoy The Beauty Of The Sun Set In The Goa Sarang -- Menikmati Indahnya Matahri Terbenam Di Goa Sarang

in goasarang •  7 years ago  (edited)

Melakukan Perjalanan menuju goa sarang dari kota sabang membutuhkan waktu 15 menit dengan jarak tempuh menggunakan motor. Selama perjalanan menuju goa sarang kita di kelilingi oleh pepohonan rindang dan indah, goa sarang berada dipinggir laut dengan panorama yang sangat indah dipandang mata, menikmati sunset di goa sarang yang dikelilingi ole laut membuat hati pengunjung sejuk dan adem ditambah kicauan burung dan gemuruh air laut yang sangat indah dinikmati oleh telinga pengunjung.




Traveling to cave nest from Sabang city takes time 15 minutes by mileage by motor. During the journey to cave our nest surrounded by shady trees and beautiful, cave nest is located on the seafront with a very beautiful panorama looked at the eyes, enjoy sunset in a cave nest surrounded by sea ole make the heart of the visitor cool and happy to be added birds chirping and a very beautiful sea water rumbling enjoyed by visitor's ears.



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Kami sudah upvote ya..

thakns ya @puncakbukit