God wants some bad guys. No matter how good you are, he is still the God of the bad guys!
Never be self righteous, don't think yourself more better than the sinner who hasn't really come to the saving knowledge of Jesus. Really Jesus died for everyone, but some haven't recognized it yet. All they need is you polite approach in informing them about what Jesus already did for them.
We are all God's creatures. He made us all. He is our manufacturer and we are His products, therefore he hates none of us. It is not His desire for any to perish.
A sinner is simply a product that is malfunctioning or being abused by the user because the user lacks the knowledge of it's purpose. 'When the purpose of a thing is unknown, abuse is inevitable'. So sinners will always malfunction and be abused until Jesus takes over.
When they meet with Jesus, the course of their live changes! God is an expert in this. I know some real bad guys that God changed for good in the Bible.
The writer of the first five books of the Bible was a murderer(Moses).
What about Saul of Tarsus (the great apostle Paul) who killed Christians like animals? He wrote the most part of the new testament.
What of David who took another man's wife illegally(the great king on whose throne God promised that the Messiah 'Jesus' would reign)?
What about Abraham who lied? He received the promise we are all enjoying. Father of all Nations.
What of Solomon? He took all the women, yet his wisdom remained.
What do we say about Peter the coward who denied the Lord. Denying the lordship of Jesus is equal to renouncing your salvation, yet he became the general overseer of 'Jesus' ministries international'
Oh! What can God not do! Who can He not change?
God deliberately use people who are unworthy so that you wouldn't count yourself out of his plans. He used people who are #bader than you so you could trust his love and ability to make a better person out of you.
Never conclude on anyone by saying they are for destruction. God saved and changed you on your way to be destroyed. Why not exert your love in saving that guy you've been calling bad? God loves him and wants to save him the same way he saved you.
Romans 5;8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
When God cancel your past sins, no one has a say! David saw the awesomness of God's love and he wrote; 'Blessed is the man against whom God counts no sin.'
Isaiah 43;25 "I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.
Hebrews 8;12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more
God created you for a purpose and 'Your mistake does not cancel your purpose'.
He wants to get you back to fulfil the destiny he ordained for you before the world began. Tell everyone you think is bad that God will do anything to get them back on track with their destiny.
As long as you are alive it's not too late. Being alive is proof that God needs you to get something done. You can begin today and outrun those who have began 50 years ago. The kingdom of God works by different principles.
Ecclesiastes 9;11 "the race is not to the swift..."
All you need is open your mind and let God find you!
Subscribe on my YouTube Chanel and let's have some devotions and word together as soon as activities begin in January. Here is the link to my YouTube chanel.
I'm always @adesojisouljay