The Complete Emmet Fox Biblical Symbolism Reference (Part 4)

in god •  6 years ago 


The Complete Emmet Fox Biblical Symbolism Reference

...The Bible revealed (part 4)

As we have already stated in the earlier parts of this post series, The Bible is a powerful book that is rich in symbolism and metaphor. The Bible can even be interpreted in symbolic ways that the majority of readers may not even be aware of. Emmet Fox was an early 20th Century New Thought Christian minister who taught of the symbolism contained within the Bible. Understanding the Bible and its symbolism is crucial to getting the most from the Bible’s spiritual teachings.

This series of posts is the result of time spent over a lengthy period of time carefully taking notes on the Bible symbols that Emmet Fox mentions in his many writings. It is my sincere hope that the reader grasps the value of his message.

Symbolic PhraseMeaning according to Emmet FoxEmmet Fox BookPage
GoldIn the Bible too, gold symbolizes power - the omnipresence of Divine Power.Stake your claim37
GoldGold symbolizes the omnipresence and all-power of God. It means that God can do anything at any time.Diagrams For Living45
Gold(In some instances Money means gold) gold in this instance means the omnipresence of God.Diagrams For Living134
Gold (-)Stands for desire for personal power over other people, desire to regulate their livesAround the year...96
Gold (+)Omnipresence of GodAround the year...96
GreenGreen stands for intelligence.Alter your life55
Green pasturesGreen pastures symbolize an abundance of all good things that I need, and perfect all-round harmony in my life.Power Through Constructive Thinking46
HallowedIf you trace the derivation back into Old English, you will discover the word "hallowed" has the same meaning as "holy," "whole," "wholesome," and "heal," or "healed"Sermon on the Mount156
HandThe hand stands for the power of manifestation, or the capacity to express God's ideas on the physical plane. It is the power of getting things done. It is the power of making demonstrations, or of getting answers to prayer.Power Through Constructive Thinking116
HandsThe hand is always the power of manifestation of expression.Power Through Constructive Thinking94
HeadNow the human head symbolizes always the Christ understanding of Truth, as distinct from mere blind faith, or simple emotional groping.Power Through Constructive Thinking129
HearingHearing, on the higher level, stands for spiritual understanding.Power Through Constructive Thinking120
HeartStands for feelingsAlter your life
Heart"Heart" in the Bible usually means that part of man's mentality which modern psychology knows under the name of "the subconscious mind. " "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."Sermon on the Mount39
HeathenHeathens, enemies, strangers, these mean your own negative thoughts, which are the things that are causing your difficulties. They do not mean other human beings. Wrong thoughts are heathens because they do not know God. They are strangers to your real self, and, of course, they are the only enemies that you can have. All such enemies are to be destroyed, not by wrestling with them which only gives them power, but by righteous judgement - refusing to believe in them.Make Your Life Worthwhile67
HeavenState of mind - true peace of mind and adequate understanding of lifeFind and use...49
HeavenHere heaven stands for God or Cause, because in religious phraseology heaven is the term for the Presence of God. In metaphysics it is called the Absolute, because it is the realm of Pure Unconditioned Being, or archetypal ideas.Power Through Constructive Thinking19
HeelIn the Bible, the heel stands for a week spot. The vulnerable spot in one's thinking.Diagrams For Living15, 26
HellState of mind - when you are full of fear, anxiety, hatred, or physical painFind and use...49
High towerA high tower is a safe place and signifies a high consciousness that fear "a groundling" cannot reach.Alter your life87
HillPrayer or spiritual activityFind and use...216
Hill or MountainAlways means prayer or spiritual activity. "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help." The soul that is built upon prayer cannot be hidden.Sermon on the Mount49
Hill or mountainA hill or mountain is uplifted consciousness. The great mystics and seers and teachers in the Bible are always spoken of as going up into the mountain to pray - the inference is that he got away from limiting thoughts and outer things to realize the presence of God.Diagrams For Living167
Holiness unto the lordMeans that there is nothing in existence but the self-expression of God.Stake your claim32
HornIn the Bible, the horn is a symbol of power.Alter your life87
Horn"Horn of your salvation", the horn is a symbol of plenty.Around the Year274
Horn(s)In occult literature the horn is always a sign of power. Ten horns means tremendous power.Diagrams For Living85
IsraelAnyone who believes in God & in prayerFind and use...33
IsraelIsrael in the Old Testament means a man and it means a nation, but more importantly is used symbolically to dramatize your life. Israel concerns your health, your job, your family, your finances, and your every personal problem.Diagrams For Living13
Israel, "the Prince of God"Is the soul that has realized its Divine nature.Power Through Constructive Thinking74
IsraeliteIn the Bible an Israelite is anyone who is seeking God. It is not the same thing as being a Hebrew (a Race). If you are seeking God, if you believe in God and in prayer, you are an Israelite.Diagrams For Living19
IvoryStands for undue attachment to a particular teacher, textbook, or church / organization.Around the year...98
Jachin & Boaz (the two pillars at the Temple of Solomon)Jachin means "the one" and represents the mathematical unity of the cosmos (geometry). Boaz means voice and represents the creative Word, the Logos.Diagrams For Living39
JacobJacob stands for the soul that is not yet redeemed, the soul still struggling in difficulty and conscious imperfection.Power Through Constructive Thinking74
JerichoJericho means "moon town," and the moon stands for the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind has to be "subdued," to be redeemed by being spiritualized.Diagrams For Living40
JerusalemJerusalem symbolically is the awakened consciousness.Power Through Constructive Thinking9
Jerusalem"His windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem." Jerusalem is always the highest part of man's nature or personality, short of the actual realization of God.Power Through Constructive Thinking101
JerusalemJerusalem is the highest thing in the human consciousness less than the Divine contact.Power Through Constructive Thinking129
JerusalemJerusalem means the state of mind where we are praying and waiting upon God, where we have a sense of peace but have not yet got any sense of realization. To tarry in Jerusalem is to keep the high watch until you get a sense of the presence of God and the Christ becomes a living factor in your heart.Diagrams For Living156

Past articles in this post series:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

This is only part 4 of a series on Emmet Fox's Biblical symbolism due to file size restraints when posting.

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I don't see anything of value there. It's all random. It would be like saying the Hittites symbolize obesity. There's no thought behind it.

That is a valid concern, I will say that the symbolism Emmet Fox taught is most applicable to the Old Testament. This is also just a reference and reading his explanation within the context of his original books is preferable. When you use all his keys though and reconstruct the general message of entire segments of O.T. writings sometimes the message is quite compelling and of great value.

@avataraustin I am so grateful that you made this - it is very helpful to me as a fan of Emmet Fox.