The Biblical Path to Financial Freedom and Wealth

in god •  7 years ago 

Before I share this important about Your finances message I want to offer a couple of caveats.
God is not about everyone being materially rich because (the least problem about this) is that some people can handle riches well and other not. There is no point giving one millions which may make them self-destroy.
The second point to bear in mind is that God is not happy when someone is poor. He is called “generous God” meaning that imposed poverty (not a voluntary one for the sake of higher purpose) is out of tune with His nature.

Now what does God want for your finances?
That is to have “more than enough so you can overflow with doing good things to others” (2 Corinthians 9:8).

This excludes poverty but doesn’t necessary include being multimillionaire although the latter is not ruled out for all people either.

What should you do?
Simply put it is to say “HI” to financial freedom by

  • Honouring God with your money
  • Invest regularly

Now this simple rule in latter times they call it “the Rockefeller’s rule”.
Give to a charitable cause and the first call is to give to the Gospel and the poor 10%. That’s how you honour God with your money. Be careful to give where really Christ is preached (first) and the poor are helped.
And the second is to Invest 10% of your income.
Once these 20% are designated and sorted out then live on the rest (80%).
Let’s unpack these two features of the rule a bit further.
By giving to God first you don’t do anything else really but showing your gratitude that He has given you health, wisdom, ideas and ability to make money. Giving your money for His cause (saving the world through repentance toward God and faith in Jesus) you give Him a chunk of your best time. You sleep 1\3 of your life and are active the other 2/3ths.
Of those two you expend most energy whilst at work (for most people). You put so much in it and exchange time, skill, patience and a measure of suffering for money.
Then with this hard earned money you want to say to God “what can I give you apart from myself? I give my heart to you and I want to just honour you with this gift”.
This shows that even what you fought for so hard is not so important to you as God is. He is your first love.
In response He says:
“9 Honor Yahweh with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce;
10 then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine. “ - Proverbs 3:9-10.

He will bless your works and your investments and they will become plenty.
This is not a possibility, it is a promise.
And now let’s look into your investments.
You make, say, the average salary a month which in USA is about $3800 a month (fourth quarter of 2017).
So you got $4560 (10% of your income) a year to invest.
The simplest and most straightforward place to put your sweaty cash is SP500.
The average return for the last 90 years from it is 10%.
If you start at 25 years old to invest 10% of your income in SP500 basket of stocks and taking into account that you salary will on average go up %6.2 (that’s what the average salary in USA rose by in the last 70 years) then you will be a millionaire by the age of about 48.
Now that’s given you play safe and perform average.
If you, after prayer, diversify your basket of investments and put some of it in cryptocurrencies and other possible fields of investment you may have a seven digit account in much less a time - may be 10 years or why not less.
Nobody can be 100% sure if they will outperform the stock market average return of 10% but when you know you honour God first you will rest assured that He is looking after your finances (invested wisely (not in casinos for example)) and will make you be able to abound in helping others.
So “The key thing is wisdom so acquire wisdom.” Proverbs 4:7.
Through the wisdom from God say HI to financial freedom and wealth.

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