in god •  6 years ago 

GODDEITY1 GREAT GRANDFATHER GENERATOR & GIVER: = Genesis Gifted Genius. Giving generational grace. _ Verily View Vimeo Video

GODDEITY-1_sm watermark.jpg
Fiery Flaming Father!!! = fearless ferocious Fatherhood _ Generating gifts of grace and good _ Working wonders with Womanhood_ Wealthy Womb of Wisdom wittier than wood _Sovereign Solar-Sun strongly still stood _
BEHOLD: better beneficially blessings, by witnessing what your two eyes easily sees, before your face. A brand new worldwide way, to look at the highest heavens, Shining Sun and Planet Earth. Newly named and, truly Titled to tell the total Truths too!!!
HEATZ HATING HUMANS: He hates GODDEIT-1: = The Love Life Light of Daytime, which is indivisibly, THE SOLARSUN of The Whole Wide World. Criminally corrupt categorized CaucAsians, cold climatic Caucasus caves, classified Caucasoid. Coalition - cahoots collusion = "Corporation Company", co-conspirators, constantly contriving to completely control "climate change"; and concurrent cooling conditions! via

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