RE: My argument for a God

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My argument for a God

in god •  6 years ago 

Are they going to use the particle to do a big bang and create a world?

That was never on the cards, that sort of thing was only suggested by people who didn't understand what they were doing.

The particle was theoretical up until last year, Higgs and Einstein predicted such a particle would have existed at the start of time (Big Bang) and so once technology caught up with their hypothesis we were able to prove it at Cern.

No more, no less :-)


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"We" sounds like you work at cern

I believe everything important is known and already dealt with by God

Sounds like you have a direct line to God ;-)


No i don't. Some would say the direct route is prayer or death lol depends on who you ask.

Good answer :-) When I say 'we' I mean humankind.


If they're not going to test it then it only theoretically works, which is what you suggest the bible is (stories or theories).

Test what, the Higgs Boson?

You misunderstand (because of incorrect media reports) what the Higgs Boson is. Asking if they are going to test it, is like asking if they are going to test an electron. It doesn't make sense. They simply were trying to detect it; and they have.

It is the same as trying to detect carbon monoxide in a room with a faulty boiler, you have a theory that it exists, you devise a test to detect it, and then you either do or don't.

As I mentioned previously, the term God Particle is something the media picked up on and ran with. It was a flippant remark and overemphasises the importance of the particle.

Its importance lies in being able to one day understand the universe in its entirety.

Another example might be how in 1912 Alfred Wegener proposed the concept of 'continental drift'. He said that earthquakes were caused by the rubbing together of tectonic plates and that at some point in the past all of the land on earth was together in one super continent named Pangea.

Before that theory some religious people claimed earthquakes were a sign of gods anger (some still do!), yet Wegener was proved right and we know today that earthquakes have nothing to do with god. This is what I mean by 'the god of the gaps'.

If you place god in a gap in our knowledge, then be prepared for god to be squeezed back to another gap.

Anyway I state again, you can't test the Higss Boson, you merely detect it, and that has been done.
