A Post to Facebook

in god •  5 years ago 

I have not posted to Steemit for a while mainly because the saved password in my phone was incorrect, so I had to wait until I got to my computer to post. Truthfully, the password issue is a major issue to me for Steemit. It's ridiculously long and there is no hope for remembering it. SO... I slowly consider other platforms. But while I do, I have been still using fedbook ... I mean Facebook. Recently, I broke my silence as a whatever you call this and posted it on Facebook to touch a few folks. I had a friend who's wife left him because her religion made her believe that his smoking weed was a "sin" and evil. I had enough... and it seems it was the straw that broke the camels back. I am a musician and a banjo build and Luthier (a person that builds and repairs stringed instruments) and most of my clientele are progressive democrats. So since 2008, I have kept my Volunterist convictions to myself. But to tell you the truth, I can barely handle this facade of fake notions... I really want to be myself. But it's not good for business.

Recently Jeff Berwick posted a video about keys to success... this really sent me down the rabbit hole of the general topic, of "who am I" ... again... and "am I successful"?

After my friend telling me about his separation, I decided to make this post.

"Institutionalized religion, the system of teaching Authority, is so pervasive in this country, one cannot hardly determine if the subject is "the word of God" or "the word of the State". Truth is treason in the empire of lies. The Anti-Christ is the State (all of them) and its religion causes people to say what is good is evil and what is evil is good (weed: bad, prescription: opioids good).

It's church are the public schools that teach about its prophets and the Authority they supposedly have, its sacred sacraments are voting, it's evangelists are the media, its tithe are taxes and inflation via the federal reserve, its sacrificial lambs are men and women in military, and its holy priests are the president, the senate, the congress, and its gatekeepers are the police. Morality is doing what you're told. Righteousness is choosing blue or red, baptist or Assemblies of God. Love is a dirty word, sin is a element of control, and do-gooders pillage in the name of "progress".

People, if an Action is voluntary, and doesn't infringe on the voluntary choices of anyone else, it's good. If an action infringes upon the ability of anyone else to carry out actions of their own accord, it is evil. No man has dominance over another but for self defense from an imminent attack which the attacker forfeits. Dominating another human is called slavery. In a world where thoughts can be a crime, its places like Facebook that lead us to self sensor for fear of reprisal. I'm burning out on that BS."

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