Addiction and God

in god •  7 years ago 

I remember when Tedx talks came out with their analysis of addiction titled "Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong | Johann Hari". Simply put, addiction is most effective with the individual is completely lonely, with no support from family and isolated at times in a prison cell. With plenty of research and studies, all points are very solidified.Here is an angle that I don't believe most of you have pondered. If we look at it from a spiritual perspective, we start noticing a pattern in these addicts.

First off, most of these addicts got to their position by previous abuse, or looking for an alternative to their crappy life. Then, these people start committing acts they previously never would have even fathomed. Then they all tend to suffer a deep state of clinical depression. Based on all of that, here is a different perspective.

In the Christian Bible, at the beginning of Genesis, around Ch. 2, God states that it is not good for man to be alone. Lets analyze that for a second. Lets accepts that the battle of good and evil is valid in Christianity. God against Satan. Now, Satan and his minions are out to hurt God anyway they can, the easiest targets being humans. The reasons he assaults humans the way he does is solely due to the fact that God created man in his image.

Depression is a major factor in addiction. And when you start to see the link of individuals feeling alone and the fact of them being alone. We can also see the characteristics of a demon possession arising. Now, we must differentiate between a Hollywood demon possession and a real one. It is not always climbing walls and vividly disgusting manifestations. On the contrary, most are simple. For example, having unprecedented hatred towards something. Or never feeling satisfied with yourself and life, not to get to religious, but these are ways demons oppress people according to the word.

This is what I am getting to. This world cannot be explained by a simple yes or no, black and white, red pill blue pill. There is more to every aspect of our lives than meets the eye. So I submit to you that a lot of addicts, even minute ones such as to phones and addicts to gossip. There is something more than to just them being weak minded. These demons of oppression fill them with physical things that only satisfy for the moment. And drugs is the prime example.

I m not claiming to have this hidden wealth of knowledge, but I do think this is something that needs to be pondered. Like a support network and a good family, these people need a spiritual outlet as well.

Here is a last note, if these spirits are real and set on destroying us, that would mean they have been here a lot longer, and thus, are way more intelligent then we tend to believe. Imagine the plethora of wealth you can have after 1000 lifetimes?

What do yall think? This has just been something on my mind for a while.

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