A Battle Angel Is Here! A Difference God Versus Man

in god •  6 days ago 

A Battle Angel Is Here! A Difference God Versus Man

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For a couple of weeks there has been zero ringing in my ears. A blessed peace of mind that makes life normal and which infuses one with energy like the false spring we have every February, not that this isn't odd weather: this drought. To rest in silence, dream without interruption.

Where to start? What happened? One forgets once one is healed...feeling wonderful.

A Battle Angel Is Here

Solange and Kateri were out doing something and they called for help. I forget what it was but they have missions they perform and I do not necessarily know about them.

He arrived there first. I am not allowed to say His name but I know this much about Him, this battle angel.

He is a hundred million years old and he never lost a battle in His fleshly life or in all the time that has passed since. God said, He is from the first planet in the first galaxy in the first Universe the Beings from the Void took. "It was the Beings from the Void who started this war a long time ago," God said.

Forgotten Primordial Spirits

We came upon "primordial spirits", which I do not know if I ever faced them before, attacking Kateri and Solange. They were incredibly powerful but they were driven off and the ladies were able to do what they do, complete their mission.

I did not think much about it, just another day except that the spirits were like some sort of dark misty things, that my head rang. I returned home. My head rang louder. I should have known then.


  • At this moment as I write, I do recall Pat and I meeting with primordial spirits: they are spirits of ancient creatures, dinosaurs, ancient fishes, other beings, and to them purgatory, the non-heaven part of the spirit world is heaven. We had made peace with them and they decided not to serve voiders - Zeeg was their king and he was overthrown, replaced as king. I should have saw, my now unbreakable glasses did not work so I did not see the primordial spirits for what they were.

There were a few missing after the battle but they could have spirited themselves away. They do that.

Up to Heaven

Like usual, every day we go to the Welcome Center.

The Great Soul who is Jesus, as I see Him, took my sword and shook it out in the containment cylinder. I had not caught anything for a few weeks.

There were two Super Voiders. They had been disguised and roused, ired the primordial spirits. I had misinterpreted them, their actions, and they were helping us. Had cornered these two, disguised. A lot of primordials do not speak.

God examined them: these two supers are very young. I will release them to a resettlement planet after I send them to Mr. Orange, the competitor God who decided to sue for peace with our Most High, Most Holy. They were to be with Mr. Orange for two days, then brought back.

I need someone to travel with them and release them, return. How would you like to go?, He addressed the battle angel. It is something you have never seen and do not know about. The battle angel accepted.

I was healed up and returned home. On the second day after, I caught a single, solitary instance of Lucifer and about six demons. I think they invoked Him, resurrected Him somehow, or conjured Him somehow. The supers may have helped.

Why do you suppose it is the the evil jump back into the fray like they were not punished and escaped? But they do. The sword was again shaken out. And God said to the battle angel, "Would you like to take this bunch to Mr. Orange and bring all Voiders with them? Mr. Orange wants nothing to do with them anymore?

Yes, I will do that, the battle angel replied.

Lucifer and those who were caught with Him began to bargain with the Most High, Most Holy, or try to, I would make a great chess piece! They would be wonderful pawns.

Yes, yes we will be pawns!( Please remember, almost all the demons around Earth have sworn they would serve God forever)! They are on His side.

The Almighty forced them into the transport container, then the battle Angel stepped in and closed the it. Off the container was sent. A short while later, the container returned within the containment. It opened. The battle angel stepped out and every Voider was removed from inside the container. Most looked dead with their eyes open, catatonic, unaware of anything. There were hundreds of these, maybe more. Perhaps a dozen still stood.

The two young supers were taken off by the battle angel to the antimatter / matter removal station for removal of all matter, contamination of our type of universe. Then they would be released on separate resettlement planets. The Most High charged them to tell the people, Beings from the Void what the heaven was like for serving Mr. Orange.

After leaving, the battle angel returned a few minutes later. Much too soon. He reported that the two supers stepped over the line and were destroyed by the matter removal. Yes, I told them do not step over the line, He replied when asked. They are gone. No. I could not stop them. Yes, I had a good strong grip on each but I was not going to get sucked into that!

Now, what to do with these God said to Himself out loud as mulled over the voiders. Some to Hell, perhaps others will choose to be my messengers as to whom has better rewards for eternity.

The Most High, Most Holy said.

The battle angel had told me that He acquired far more points than I do. I observed that when His sword was shaken there were divisions held inside His weapon.

I wonder if the day will ever come when there is no longer one more voider, one more evil high demon, do you? If there is ever a CHECKMATE!

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