God announces his wrath comes:

in god •  6 days ago 

I shan't write much more until I can use my computer with which I can read what I write. The writing is too small for me to read and all to often there are a ridiculous number of errors in what I write. I shall have a monitor as well. That will make the letters larger. Easier to read.

This has occurred in every single online media I have tried writing posts. It's the AI. It changes words and meanings. You turn the AI off and it turns back on.

I am using my Google phone.

I saw an article today from Google where the CEO responds to the accusations against Google and says, "We are often misunderstood."

His statement was not an apology but rather a defense of what Google has done.

Meanwhile, it looks like my spring might be flowing again into my pool.

That's pretty much all I truly care about at this time. Should my spring of water begin to flow in greater amounts and the one God has promised to flow into Cove Creek which I own an 1/8th of a mile on both sides, all will be good with me.

I will be able to raise cattle and food.

There won't be anything anyone will be able to do about the spring as they have thwarted me for years, more than a decade.

The reason why no one will be able to do anything is because of the title of this post.

I know a certain sector of humanity thinks they are all knowledgeable and that God or even higher beings do not exist. Most of all the thought is if there is such a thing, it does nothing.

Honestly, after the third time my arms went numb and I couldn't feel my hands, I didn't think they would return this time, the feeling and strength would return this time.

It's like the sound torture: it's gone again.

What can I say? Except thank God!

There are a lot of people, with what He is about to do, that will thank him for it. I am one them.

What if God actually heals everybody? Then He changed His mind and does that.

He will do what He says. It might take awhile and it might happen instantly.

All I know is that if you are dependent upon a government for your income and He wrecks it because that government now offends Him. Then He Does.


Oh my wife buys the Google phones. She gets a discount from her work. I don't have a choice. Shortly I will have a choice.


We have AT&T, Hughesnet, Starlink. Soon I will have a choice besides Google. I will take that choice.

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