Longest Post Of My Life

in god •  7 years ago 

I love when people make statements that there is no God, and try and rationalize it like they could possibly prove it to be true. If they said "I have faith there is no God", I may consider them to be reasonably intelligent.

I would respond to them with this:

Somewhere in the world tonight there was a brain surgery. It is a fact. The fact that you didnt do it, couldnt do it, didnt know it happened does not make it true that there was no brain surgery. You are not a brain surgeon because you are not intelligent enough to understand brain surgery. Trying to claim you understand the creation of everything as well as everything that exists, (except apparently brain surgery in this case) makes you a fool.

I have faith that there is a God. I cant prove it by quoting scripture, just like I cannot do brain surgery by Googling it.

Pointing out an obstacle to the existence of God that seems to fit an evolutionary theory is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. The answer to any challenge to the existence of God could be fsdlkfdjldkjsldkjlkjlksj8429383409809kj/apple theta moose. It makes no sense, but we cannot understand the power of someone that can create life.

The scientist behind your logic can tell you how it happened but cannot reproduce any of it, does that make sense?

Here is how your Big Mac, lightbulb, internet , (fill in the blank) was created but we cannot do it.

Why are there zillion year old fossils then? Answer banana split cow tree epsilon. Dont understand it, neither do I but God may. The fact that you and I do not understand it proves nothing!

What I am trying to say is if you do not have absolute command on space travel, nuclear physics, Shopkins, apple pie crust and everything else that exists and will exist then you havent even encapsulated that yet! So how can you tell me there is no God!

You can't. So if you tell me you know there is no God, I will throw a few math equations at you, and then ask you who my daughters favorite Shopkin is. If you do not know that, then you cannot know the ultimate question and answer because you do not know all the things that govern existing life, so how could you possibly know things from before life.

But you cannot say " I have faith there is no God" can you? Because if you do then you look like a fool for applying your faith to no God versus just as simplistically applying it to there is a God.

Can I prove there is a God? (been waiting to post that comment since you started reading havent you?)

Nope, but I can watch my daughter be born, and say hmm Rocks collide made my daughter. Or superior being I do not understand. Yep, that sounds about right for the creation of my daughter.

So to me, if you do not believe in God then you fall into 3 categories.

(1) A "tough guy" that needs nobody , and feel you are strong enough to accept that you just live and make the most of it. Well then you die.Congratulations you were smarter then us all , there was no God you are dead, and going nowhere God or no God.

(2) You are a shock jockey. Look at me I am radical I am looking the other way. I am taking the rare path. Well you eventually grow up, and figure it out. I dare you to pray.

(3) You are a fool. 911 didnt happen, it was to fool you so we could slide Kennedy back into power after aliens bring Elvis down to Roswell to play at the inauguration.

Whatever category you fall into, first I pray you find the right path. But, while you do you scare me. There is too high of a percentage of you that spew hatred and do radical things. (please note here I did not say all of you) Meanwhile those that do believe, simply ask you to pray (a few moments of your evolutionarily developed brain). You act like that task is insurmountable and so offensive that a dissertation on how an explosion ultimately created my daughters heart.

So, if you read this far, here is my offer,. Private message 30 minutes of prayer ( a recording, a video ) whatever that you do over a week, and I will pay you whatever you usually earn at your job for your time. That way you do not have to waste your time proving to me that I am wrong. Just take my money and teach me a lesson that way, Hey as an added bonus, I will even pay you for the time it took you to read this message to get to the offer.

psst, you can do it, pray, I wont tell anyone ;)

PS: God, if you happen to be reading my post ( lol) please note I am launching a huge project in less than a month, and believe so strongly that I am willing to alienate myself from some people which is about the worst marketing move of all time. Except for the fact that I know you are the reason for my success, not my Facebook posts or my ability to make others money.


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