Happy Life @senseicat

in god •  7 years ago 

I am simple. Sometimes life seems complex. This image captivated me with the realization that we need to focus purely on the present moment and take a moment for an indulgent full yoga breath.

Eckhart Tolle always says that with awareness, there is a choice and with peace in that moment will come the right action. He reminds us that the world can not make you happy due to our unreasonable expectations. People, places, circumstances can not meet your expectations and that will leave you frustrated. Life becomes joyful when you allow things as they are. We need to allow the moment to be as it is and not expending valuable energy trying to make things different.

happy life.jpg

My lesson is to be in the moment, surrender to the universe, and feel immersed in JOY @senseicat

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Very beautiful writing Thanks for posting this.

XD I jut was watching this video Honey Bear Song while reading your post so i thought of sharing it, I don't know if you will like it @senseicat but i hope it is not too silly haha. Thanks for your post sensei, life is indeed very complex for not learning how take break and breath.

I watched it and it was silly. Adults need to laugh as much as children.

Haha, yeah I think adult sometimes need to remember how it was to be a children, but I think most of us do already unconsciously.

I practice aikido @senseicat and one as part of the mental preparation of this martial art, is in flow with the situation and not fight against it, And being humble, the wisdom for a situation can come from anywhere, an old man, a boy, a cat ;)

And this idea or philosophy is practiced not only in the dojo, we also follow it in all aspects of our lives

There are lessons everywhere if we choose to recognize them.

Life only happens right here and right now. It's our choice how we want to treat the present, which is all we have.