in god •  7 years ago 

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It was a cold Saturday morning. Michael slept lazily on his bed, the last thing on his mind was waking up early. Suddenly he heard a mild knock on the door. He dismissed it, praying silently that he was just dreaming. The knock came again a little louder but still very mild. Angry and tired, he stood up and managed to get to the door. At the door was Jonathan his old time friend, and after all the greetings, the first question came “how is life with you and HIM”? Puzzled Michael looked at his friend and asked “me and who”? Surprised Jonathan asked Michael again “so you mean you don’t know Him”? The reply came easily, “no I don’t”.
Away from the above story and back to reality, many of us would have asked the same question if we were to hear the statement “YOU AND HIM”. But for clarity, let me make this identity of HIM known.

             "All things were made by Him and without Him was not anything made that was made” (john 1:3)

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Gen 1:1)
I believe these two scriptures have tried to clarify the personality of the “HIM” in question. The Him is our creator, the reason why we live, the reason why we exist. This “HIM” is God our maker.
Noow another question still pops up: and the question is “why must we talk about you and God?”
Before we go any further, I believe it’s necessary that we answer this question.
Firstly, the two scriptures above explain one fact, you and I were made by God. The word used in john 1:3 is “all things’ so we are definitely included. It’s necessary we discuss this because the God that made you has a reason for doing so. And if we don’t know this reason, then we are barely just ignoring our maker. Just as a carpenter will construct a wooden stool for a reason that is the same way God made us for a reason. Some may bring another argument here by asking “did I beg Him to create me?” The truth is that we are privileged to be made by Him. The bible says “what is man, that thou art mindful of him?” (psl 8:4). God could have decided not to create you, but he gave you the opportunity to exist on this earth. It’s very possible that there would have been no you or me on earth. But God in His infinite mercies allowed us to be among the living today. So instead of us to act as if we don’t care about God, we should be very grateful that we even exist not as animals but as humans.
Secondly, discussing “you and HIM” is not by choice. He is your maker, he formed you, (Jrh 1:5, Gen 1:26), so even if you accept it or not, He has all the authority over your life. Acts 17:28 says “for in Him we live, and move and have our being…” All these understandings only bring yet another question which is important for us to look into. If God truly made and brought me into existence, what was the reason? Why did God actually create me? What does He want me to do now that I exist?
“’thou art worthy o lord, to receive glory honor and power, for thou hast created all things and for thy pleasure, they are and were created” Rev 4:11
I believe this scripture answers some questions above. And this is quite interesting. I was not created to live life as I like, I was not made to become the best student in school, I was not brought forth to become successful in life or to chase my own life long dream. I was not formed to become famous or wealthy. I was made simply to give my maker pleasure. Now at this point we must pause and check our lives once again. Have I ever thought about Gods pleasure before? Have I done anything in my life to bring joy to God? Have I not been living my life just to bring satisfaction to myself? My whole life have been anchored on bringing fame and success to myself and not to myself not to God. So all these years I have been claiming to love God yet all I truly love is me. I have claiming to be doing God’s work while all I seek is my own pleasure and glory. All the evangelism, church activities spiritual and even singing, was it all for God’s pleasure ? Or was it for my own praise and acknowledgement? Examine your life my friend as I checked mine also. So now I’ve accepted the fact that maybe I wasn’t living for god’s pleasure and now that I know that I was made only for God’s pleasure ,another question still comes up:
“WHAT IS GOD’S PLEASURE”? Sincerely I lack the understanding of and grace to convincingly explain what God’s pleasure is. But for the little I have to know I’ll gladly share. Now first of all what is my own pleasure? The word “pleasure” talks about happiness enjoyment or satisfaction. It talks about a state of contentment, that pleasing feeling that bring joy to you. So now what do you think will bring God that feeling of happiness, a feeling of satisfaction? The bible says that ‘God is not willing that any should perish, but that you should come to repentance”[2peter3:9]. What else will bring your maker satisfaction but to see his creatures accepting his word and living by it.what else will pleasure to him than seeing his creatures depending and completely trusting him for everything. He what’s the best for you. He will be pleased if you make heaven but are you even prepared to willingly obey and summit to him. “let them shout for, and be glad, that favour my righteousness cause:yea, let them say continually, let the lord be magnified, which hath pleasure on the prosperity of his servant” [ps35:27]. The last statement in this scripture says “God hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant” he’s happy when you grow in him, when you begin to become like him as the day goes by. He derives joy from your own prosperity in Godliness. It does not add to Gods life when you give him pleasure [job22;3] It is for your good yet he derives pleasure when you do this. Psalm 147:11 also says; “The lord takes pleasure in those who reverently and worshipfully fear him, in those who help in his mercy and loving kindness.”(Amplified). So he wants you to completely depend and trust in him. Believe totally in his word, he wants you to puy him first before other things. Sin keeps us away from God (Is 59:2) The bible says “for it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure”(phil2:13). Amplified bible says “(not in your own strength) for it is God whole is all the while and effectually at work in you9energizing and creating in you the power and desire) both to work and to will for good pleasure, satisfaction and delight”(phil2:13). So my friend there is sufficient grace for you to live for God’s pleasure. He’ll work in you if you allow him to and teach you how to please him. Remember it is for own good to do his pleasure and to live for your maker. Finally, as in our story above, are you like Michael that doesn’t know him? You must make up your mind to know your maker and then live for his pleasure. You must relax and examine your life today (2cor 13:5). Only you can examine yourself properly. If you have been living for men’s glory or your own glory begin to have a change in your heart today. You must find out how this “you and him” relationship is going so far. Are you truly going in him? Or are you losing sight of him day by day?This article will not satisfy or answer the loads of questions in your heart but it’ll help you to examine and check again your life with him. So this is simply a call to check your life truthfully and know where you stand in Christ. I pray that you painstakingly meditate on all these words and pray to your maker to help your life in areas your found wanting. So as Jonathan asked Michael, I feel I should also ask you”HOW IS LIFE WITH YOU AND HIM”?

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