Genesis 1:1... Continued again

in god •  6 years ago 

… There’s a great story about SIR ISAAC NEWTON… (Whom many say was the greatest scientific thinker in history)... He was mocked because he believed THERE WAS A GOD…

… So HE MADE this ELABORATE MODEL of the SOLAR SYSTEM that took up the whole front room of his house…

… His colleagues… Impressed by such detail and design… Asked him WHERE HE GOT THE MODEL ???… Who BUILT IT ???… ... Who made this???

… He said to them… “I didn’t buy this… No one made it… nor did anyone put it here… IT JUST APPEARED HERE”... And suddenly THEY GOT HIS POINT…

This is the point of… Psalm 19:1-3…

1 The heavens declare the glory of
God; And the firmament shows His handiwork.
2 Day unto day utters speech,
And night unto night reveals knowledge.
3 There is no speech nor language
Where their voice is not heard. (The voice of His creation)

… The detail… The design… and grandeur of the created universe???... It points to the existence of a Creator… BUT MEN SUPPRESS THE TRUTH… Not wanting to be held accountable to the Creator… (Romans 1)...

… That is why you can defend the Genesis account on the basis of science until you’re blue in the face—and still FAIL TO CONVINCE BILL NYE the SCIENCE GUY…
… You can engage people intellectually, philosophically, even rationally… Only to have them oppose you PRIDEFULLY...

… The bottom line isn’t SCIENCE or philosophy…
… The bottom line is the same as it is for every debate or human crisis…
… It will Require Faith as an element... (Faith will always BE THE KEY ELEMENT)…

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