in goddess •  3 years ago 

The name Alexander is actually goddess Hera's epithet meaning 'The Liberator of the People', Hera that is. Famous Macedonian-Jewish king Alexander the Great made it popular. Her Egyptian equivalent as a virgin goddess patron of mothers and marriages is Virgin Mother Goddess Mut.

Wikipedia: Hera was also worshipped as a virgin: there was a tradition in Stymphalia in Arcadia that there had been a triple shrine to Hera the Girl (Παις [Pais]), the Adult Woman (Τελεια [Teleia]), and the Separated (Χήρη [Chḗrē] 'Widowed' or 'Divorced'). In the region around Argos, the temple of Hera in Hermione near Argos was to Hera the Virgin.

At the spring of Kanathos, close to Nauplia, Hera renewed her virginity annually, in rites that were not to be spoken of (arrheton). Robert Graves interprets this as a representation of the new moon (Hebe), full moon (Hera), and old moon (Hecate), respectively personifying the Virgin (Spring), the Mother (Summer), and the destroying Crone (Autumn).

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