Sex is of fundamental physical importance because neither animal nor human society can last without it for long. According to a number of authors, there is no reasonable reason to ban his ban. He justifies a number of behavioral and other features in our character, which at first sight have no close connection with him.
The problem of gender remains as annotated in anthropology, as it has no bearing on reproduction alone. The skirt itself is a whitewash because it deprives the personality. In the sexual act the person does not play, the person is the animal. According to Berdjaev, only a fool could reject the importance of the importance of the sexual problem. Everyone has fallen into his troubles. Almost all the problems in the world are related to sex and love. Our vitality is related to sex, the sexual excitement is ecstatic and creative. Instead of proceeding to solve the problem, one often closes within himself, crushed by the power of the sex. Christopher Déjour thinks that gender behavior is the smartest interaction of biological, emotional-psychological and socio-historical factors. Sexual behavior is most often determined by biological and social factors.
Social factors are expressed in social relationships that can stimulate or suppress sexuality. Nevertheless, it is more defined by the biological one. Darwin finds that people in their behavior are affected by the same factors that are in the animals.Sexual selection - according to Darwin - depends on the advantages over other same-sex individuals involved in reproduction. As a result, many other forms and instincts such as weapons of defense and weapons are developing in humans; courage, courage and boycott; various ornaments and musical instruments to attract the opposite sex, etc. The gender struggle is of two types: between the sexes (in order to eliminate the competition, the female passivity) and between gender (in order to attract the attention, to excite and fascinate the females).
The inner team - Darwin - in most animals battles between the males for the attention of the females + the right of compilation.