What happened to the Godlikeproductions.com Observatory, where is it?

in godlike •  7 years ago 

midgetgotnotelescope.com took in two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in donations to build a telescope that was said to allow its users to scan the cosmos with, where is it?

SHR was building it and there would be threads showing the building process.

Dr. Astro was dialing in the telescope.

^Trinity^ would post pics of the Sun and other things taken during the "Dialing In" process. They were shown in threads.

Brief donated $500 to the project, but doesn't seem to care that they never built the telescope.

If you mention the telescope on midgetgotnotelescope.com you will get banned, why is this?

Anyone know the location the pics were taken that showed the building process?

Is the structure that was shown in the pictures still there?

Sounds like a conspiracy to me...

Update on the GLP Observatory.

ince some of you have been asking and we have a lot of new people here that might not even know anything about it, I thought I would write a general "Where we are at" with the Observatory thread.

So...to start with, a short background...

About 6 months ago we embarked on the Observatory project. The initial concept was to put together a telescope rig that we could remote control and stream live video and send astrophotography type images up to the Internet. Trinity agreed to finance it and we began discussing how to get this done. It began as a fairly small single scope/camera project really, but as we saw what it would take to really do what he had in his vision of this?....whoa boooy it grew fast into a multi-scope and dedicated imaging systems setup...along with a dedicated facility which we do have now.

I designed the building along with Trin's input and it was no simple run of the mill structure like a shed in any way, shape or form, it couldn't be! I installed most of the mechanical workings and we have done trouble shooting together as we have gone along. Crews came in to do the concrete work, framing and electrical under our supervision and I played cleanup batter on the framing and build and built a few of more not off the shelf sections of the building itself. We have both been involved with the hands on work since the beginning and of course all the donations received later on were a big help so a lot of you got your own skin in it too, which everyone very much appreciates.

The Observatory is a 3 bay, 6 telescope, multi-cam, multi computer...multi just about everything, it's own separate "control room" free standing 3 dome first class observatory now. It has 3 distinct observing functions.

GLP Observatory Image of Comet ISON!!!! *Yet Another Improved Version Available on Page 1

A lot of people have been asking for the GLP observatory to image comet ISON, so I made a trip up here last night in order to capture an image of ISON with the main 20" RCX400 telescope. It came out even better than I expected; it turned out that ISON went right by spiral galaxy NGC 3429 (as well as a bunch of other distant background galaxies) from an earth-based point of view this morning. I captured it in color by using two of the observatory's telescopes simultaneously; one recording in color at lower angular resolution and slower cadence, and the main 20" telescope recording in monochrome for the maximum angular resolution and sensitivity possible.
[link to img46.imageshack.us]

*Actually, Simbad lists the galaxy as NGC 3428, SkySafari lists it as both NGC 3429 and NGC 3428, but the former seems to be an error in SkySafari's database.

Just realized something got screwed up with the colors during the final conversion to JPG, so here's a corrected version of the image:

Just processed some Pics from my last GLP-Observatory run! Check em out!

So we made very good progress my last tour of duty at the obs. Got the big scope all tuned up with Astronut...we did some crazy "drift alignment" that took like 2 full nights alone, but the results were worth it. The Big scope tracks and lands objects so well now that it's spooky...interupt auto-guiding for like over a half hour and we don't even lose the guide star...we moved auto-guiding off to the televue scope mounted on the side of the big meade 20" and have the one shot color SBIG cam on that and the BIG color wheel/filter Imager on the 20". It's crazy how much light that setup gathers. Point it at what looks like dark sky?...and in a few seconds exposure there are literally hundreds of stars there which the eye cannot see, but are there that the big cam can "see"...it's really pretty wild.

We also got a ton of the remote networking and gear responding via remote control and the tests after setting all that up went very well. We did run into a problem with the "Planet scope" where we got the electronic unit back from repair and it was repaired and is fine...however there were problems unknown to us within the mount, so the overall sytem still has problems. We had hoped to avoid taking the whole mount and scope down with the boom lift, but that is what we ended having to do...it's already shipped back and hopefully will be returned 100% soon and I'll head back up and reinstall it all.

So that's a quick update on the obs overall.

With most of these photos there is a process involved. Astro taught us the basics, but it is still an art as I have found. The photos from the Big Camera/Imager don't come out from it in color. The way the imaging system works is that it is black and white or monochrome. You tell the camera to take a BW photo with a "Red Filter"...actually that is a Red bypass filter and allows only the light that is red through. Then you do the same with a "Green Filter"..and a "Blue Filter"...you then take those 3 "color information" photos which are Black and white, yet all different..put them into a photo processing program and colorize each one it's correct color and then stack them into an RGB set and combine them. You then have an RGB color photo. That's the basic method...there is more to it than that as we take several exposures of each color band, stack those and we also take a full spectrum band known as "Luminance"....takes running a process on a few programs to put it all together.

So these are some that I "Processed" myself. We had the moon to deal with which was blasting light all over the place.....with the monster cam it does wash it out some because the big cam is so mega sensitive and sucks in light like a hoover..lol. So...when we get some prime imaging times?...I know we will do even better, but these are still nice IMO.

See the GLP Observatory 14" hyper-star scope live!

Come on into chat and we'll point it at some Nebula and other cool stuff.

Mods come around and you can take over control.

Watch the stream on Justin if you want too.

Where is the GLP Observatory for the Eclipse?

The GLP observatory: How does it work??

Hello, fellow GLP'ers.

I had the chance to control the GLP scopes, but it's not so easy as i first thougt..

Now not being a paying member to GLP i can't contact any one in PM so for that i started this thread..

Could it be possible (or maybe it already exist, i used search but could not find anything related) to make a special GLP Observatory HOW TO thread. Cause there are a lot of options to choose from when controlling the scopes and i really could not see the forrest though the trees (Dutch expression).

I wanted to try and zoom in on the sun but i really could not find out how :P, so a bit of text on how to or tutorial on how to control the scopes would be greatly appreciated..

Umm so what Happened To the GLP Observatory?

Did alienz abduct it?

Seriously it was all the rage for months here all about how its going up and here's some views from it etc. Now Nada, nothing. What happened to the scopes man?

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