in gods •  2 months ago  (edited)

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"In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them." 2 Corinthians 4:4 KJV

In this passage there is a distinct difference between god of this world, who is described as evil, and God in whose image is the glorious gospel of Christ. Considering that God of the Old Testament is derived from Hebrew Elohim, which is plural, who are in fact the luminaries/planets, gods of the week/weak, the children of Most High Creator, El Elyon, Head Father/Abarashit, and First Mother Asherah, Queen of Heaven and Sea, according to Canaanite pantheon and mythology.

The Abarashit (head father) who has created the Elohim, Heavens and the earth was later changed by the removal of the opening letter Aleph, first letter of Hebrew alphabet as well in the word amet (truth) spelled with first, middle, and last letters, thus changing it to now familiar, in the beginning created Elohim heavens and the earth, passing the credit for creation to the Elohim, children of Abarashit and Asherah, who are now collectively represented in the singular masculine word of Nordic origin God, which is derived from Old Norse Godan as one of the numerous names of their chief diety Odin, Roman equivalent of Saturn, who is also Satan and Santa amongst other names and epithets, the main one being Lord God aka Yahweh, Jehovah, Yahw, I am that I am (Ehyah Asher Ehyah in Hebrew or Nuka Pu Nuka in ancient Egyptian) who first appears in the Genesis 2:4 after the beginning of the Seventh day of rest, Shabbat, which btw is not mentioned to have ended as all the other days, just sayn, but nonetheless is when and where we first learn about tetra (four) gramm (grammar, letters) aton (Egyptian god of light represented by the solar disk made henotheistic state diety by king Akhenaten at the end, as a result of it, of the 18th dynasty), i.e. tetragrammaton YHVH name of the Moseretic Judaism chief diety that is forbidden to utter most likely in order to conceal the actual identity of the impostor god pretending to be his father as the Creator of the world. There lies the heresy perpetrated by the Moseretic Messianic Masonic Satanic Babylonian Talmudic Rabbinical apostates.

As for the Great Mother, they have turned her into shekinah concept, the glory of divine presence, obscuring it into mysticism with seldom passing references, replacing the name of Mother Goddess with that of groves, grape vines, flowers and trees, anything but direct mention of divine feminine. Then to add more confusion, the rabbis have decided to switch from following traditional father's line of the tribes of Israel to that of the mother's side, which is genetically speaking is more of a mixed bag passed via X chromosome while male Y chromosome carries more dirrect intergenerational information, which is another topic, that is why no dna tests are allowed in Israel however the cat is out of the bag by now as it is visible without any microscope that the Ashkenazi Khazarian European so called Jews have nothing to do with the Middle East/West Asia, never mind that the whole idea of the promised land and Israel comes from the Americas, as is the burning bush diety, the flood, the fourty years of wondering, ten commandments and most of the core structure that serves as the foundation of all Abrahamic religions, Hebrew language and Jewish/Israelite culture.

OK, moving on. I haven't even covered the glorious gospels of Christ in this article, which some try to equate with that of Jehovah aka Ba'al Haddad (weather & harvest), Moloch (fire), Baal (war) etc... as in Exodus 15:3, "The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name." KJV ...ah I don't think so, doesn't scream a loving Christ character, albeit even he has some murderous tendencies, "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me." Luke 19:27

However it is far cry from, oh so many, for example, "Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones." Psalm 137:9 or Leviticus 26:29, "And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat." ... 8/ right, and that is a punishment for serving the Lord not joyfully enough.

So I say it is pretty safe to say that Christ figure is much different from that of wrathful jealous vengeful psychotic really Lord God Jehovah character, as described in the Tonach and Bible. I guess that's why there are two different books and religions because of it, well three if you include Islam, which is paddling same pedophile rhetoric as is Talmud, so who knows what kind of evil going on behind the veil there, probably the same Satanic shit as in the Churches and Synagogues of Satan, Saturn.

Saturnalia being popular pagan Roman festival, from 25 December to 6 January, the time for debauchery and perversity when the law was suspended and anything and everything goes. The burning of the sacrificial Jul, Yule, log/tree for 12 days with offerings made to Nordic god Jul, Yule, of children, people, animals and food is the basis for the Christmas tree and log,12 days of Christmas, etc.

The 25th of December being the date of the solar gods; Mithra, Attis, Dionysus whatnot birthday widely celebrated throughout the Roman empire during the Saturnalia festivities. Eventually the Church had to step in to curb the practice replacing it with the nativity story of the birth of Jesus, thus reserving the child sacrifice rite right for themselves and other Illuminati only. Anyway, on that happy note, let's smush some babies as the bible teaches so that we can experience extreme happiness. I was thinking of venison you perverts.

Merry Christmas! Ho Ho Ho!!!


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