Cryptoznewb's Custom Card Set for Gods Unchained: Volume 7

in godsunchained •  5 years ago 

Welcome everyone! For this edition, I decided to broaden the game scope a bit by introducing a new game element, Enchantments. Enchantments are persistent, global effects. These can affect any number of things, but will do so equally to both sides.

The set I have here just includes Enchantments. If such a concept were introduced, there would also need to be ways to remove or change Enchantments and perhaps even Creatures that are immune. There would also need to be some sort of board display showing you what Enchantments are currently in play. But, for today, I just made a few fun cards.

The artwork today comes from Scott Richard. You can see some of his work at

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Some more burn fun for War and a way to muck up all the Frontline and Backline

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Something wacky and a potential Regen synergy that could quickly spiral out of control

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An Enchantment for Deception to bring some chaos to the game and a potential for some Anubian zaniness

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I would love to see more interesting mechanics, Enchantments could possibly work but I think that they would be too much work to keep in check so that the balance of the game doesn't shift too much. Maybe some minor changes to the board that last until the end of the game. Because if we get to interact with Enchantments that could bring too much complexity without giving enough value to the gameplay experience.

It is a nice idea nevertheless, but there is so much to think about before someone finds a way to implement this in the way it feels like it belongs in the game.

Yeah. It would take some work to make this idea fit into the current game, but they've already said that they are working on new mechanics, so we can expect to see some game changing features added in the future.

And hey, if someone wants to pay me, I'll be happy to spend 40 hours a week figuring out how to make this concept work in-game!

And hey, if someone wants to pay me, I'll be happy to spend 40 hours a week figuring out how to make this concept work in-game!
Haha, that would be nice :D

I thought when they were talking about new mechanics it will be just a new keyword like Deadly or Flank. I don't think that they have time for something too complex seeing how they still struggle with bugs, maybe next year we can expect something closer to these Enchantments, and I really hope so that's the case.