RE: Cryptoznewb's Custom Card Set for Gods Unchained - Volume 2

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Cryptoznewb's Custom Card Set for Gods Unchained - Volume 2

in godsunchained •  5 years ago 

Hey Dookis! Thanks for the feedback. When making these cards, I was mainly focused on showcasing the art and coming up with some cool ideas.

Agreed on Lich. But Magic already has Spell Boost. I wanted to spread it to a different God. You're right about synergy though. Most of Death's spells aren't damage based.

I didn't want to give the Red Rider too much in stats, because his Regen ability would be a unique card for War and could end up being too powerful with things like Deadly Arsenal and Bloodrage. I think he'll need some playtesting!

Great feedback. Much appreciated! I'll put some more thought into balancing with my next set.

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