The Petroyuan, Currency Reset, and the Great Awakening

in gold •  7 years ago  (edited)


One subject suspiciously absent from the Q drops is the imminent Chinese launch of their gold backed petroyuan oil exchange on March 26th. Just like Israel and the 9/11 false flag, the subject of the petroyuan is both deliberately occulted (for now) and fundamental to the Q project.

The US dollar is called the “petrodollar” because the dollar’s value is based on fact that all international oil trade is conducted in USD. It’s a global monopoly. Our currency’s value is dependent on this global monopoly.

IRAQ’s Saddam tried to break our monopoly, and sell their oil in Euros... The US invaded, he was killed, and Iraq went back to selling their oil in USD.

LIBYA’s Gaddafi tried to break our petrodollar monopoly, and sell Libyan oil in his own gold backed currency... The US-NATO coalition backed a rebellion with bombs and money, until his government fell, he was killed, and Libya went back to selling oil for USD.

Every country that ever tried to break the US petrodollar monopoly was invaded or bombed back into the petrodollar. But later this month CHINA will break the USD petrodollar monopoly by launching their “petroyuan” oil exchange.

The US is NOT going to go to war this time, because this time it is China. China has nuclear weapons, and the US military does not want to start WWIII.

So what’s going to happen? Is the US dollar just going to be allowed to collapse? Wouldn’t that take the whole global economy down with us? Yes, it would. But China doesn’t want the US dollar to collapse, and destroy the global economy, because that would hurt China just as much as it would hurt us.

OK, so then why are Xi and Trump all smiles? What do they know that the rest of us don’t? They know what the solution is, and have already agreed to it.

The solution is a debt reset, a voiding of the unconstitutional FED, and a new US currency, a return to real (gold backed) money. Instead of a debt based currency controlled by foreign globalist banking families, the USD will return to its rightful constitutional place within jurisdiction of the US Treasury. The FED will be voided.

The globalist central bankers are not only going bankrupt, but many of them are going to be tried for crimes against humanity. This is what Q has been focusing on: US military intelligence is working behind the scenes to take down the globalist cabal.

Taking down the global bankster cabal is a profoundly difficult task, but their means of maintaining power are also their greatest vulnerabilities. The cabal has used pedophile blackmail and bribery to enslave and control politicians, executives, and media personalities. That is precisely what the Q team has been exposing. Military intelligence has the benefit of the NSA databases, so they know everyone’s secrets.

The cabal is vulnerable to being busted for the child trafficking networks at the core of their blackmail slavery “pedocracy” control system, but they are also dependent upon all the money they use to fund the psychopaths that do their bidding. The roll-up of the child trafficking networks has already begun. Indeed, it made a huge step forward with the Saudi purge. Over 18,500 sealed indictments have been piled up in the US since the Saudi purge. Think they aren’t related?

The cabal’s funds began to be seized with the 12/21/17 executive order declaring a national emergency regarding human rights abuses and corruption. Then on 3/1/18 another executive order cleared the way for massive military tribunals.

Screen Shot 2018-03-03 at 6.16.39 AM.png

Everything is based on the Chinese gold backed petroyuan oil exchange, set to launch on 3/26/18. The currency reset is inevitably tied to the petroyuan, and the cabal takedown is inevitably tied to the currency reset. Many people are speculating that the hammer is going to fall this month. This isn’t just the perfect time because of warmer weather—which will prevent any collateral damage caused by potential cabal sabotage of power grids—but it HAS TO happen this month. Unless the Chinese reschedule their petroyuan launch, the reset will happen in March, meaning the cabal takedown will happen in March.

Buckle up, patriots.

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Excellent assessment, @c-change! Resteemed! What an exciting few months coming!! It is such an incredible time to be alive to see the FED taken down in our life-times! Jubilee 2018! And a wealth boost for all with the redistribution of the blood money taken back from the cabal and its many criminal cartels.

Thanks for the resteem! Yes, it is an exciting time—the American Spring!

The Qanon community here on Steemit is still so small, but if you and @jaysather keep posting here I think we can build it up. It would be great if RDS @phibetaiota posted more on here more regularly, too. If you are in touch with him, give him a nudge to get back on here.

I appreciate this written assessment. I am assuming it's ok for me to email this link to friends who aren't on Steemit. Given that I just joined a few days ago, I don't have anyone looking at my page! One perk about Steemit is that you can browse without joining. Sharing this post via email might help others see the situation more clearly, especially if they don't want to watch a video. Thank you for your work.

Yes, of course, please do ;-)


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is a huge move for China! Finally doing something to combat the global reserve currency of the US dollar. Where so many others have failed.

As for us. . . Whatever we do it has to be swift and discrete.
A bill to audit the FED goes to the house floor this month too which I don't think is a coincidence.
Some see the blood in the water. .

While a currency reset is overdue, history shows those are hard times for the people. This time...on a global scale. Which if excited poorly, could only booster a shift favoring the Chinese 'petroyuan' in other nations trade exchanges. I think it will be a ways out before any hard USD reset. As that's a major move which only happens once in a lifetime. But lots of other tactics will be exhausted this month.

The canary in the cave sign is the health of the US bond markets. As in 07-08, that's where we kicked all that bad mortgage pressure back then. .

Then tried exporting it globally to soften the blow. That's why the next move like it will only be bigger, and more all-encompassing. An everything bubble.. if you will. If you look at history. we're overdue. . Hard to predict future timelines, but eventually, the rooters will come home to roost.

You add some great points. And yes, it is always difficult to predict future timelines. It is difficult to know how quickly the petroyuan will precipitate the collapse of the whole Western ponzi scheme, but it’s worth noting that the 400 trillion dollar derivatives market can unravel very quickly into an extinction level event for the whole market. At the same time, that’s exactly the kind of catalyst that would require bringing in a whole new system.

The economic reset and the cabal takedown are linked by necessity, for the takedown will be far easier to perform if the bankers funds are all frozen in a free fall, in suspended animation. It will also be the perfect timing, as it will harness global outrage and direct it at a world-uniting enemy and scapegoat.

Then there is the desire to draw this out for as long as possible, and as close to the midterm elections as possible, to maximize the political leverage... But the economic contagion of the petroyuan launch may force their hand relatively quickly. We shall see!


Great content, thanks for sharing. I have resteemed and upvoted because I think information like this should be much more visible than what it is.

This move by China will change the balances of the entire world and probably not for the worst; let's also remember that China AND Chinese have been stocking up gold for a long time now.

I don't know how it is in the US but I can guarantee you 3/4 of gold dealers and buyers in Australia are Chinese... that alone speaks volume on how different their mindset is compared to America where, rumor has it, the majority of the gold reserves have been sold along the years.

Tumultuous but very interesting times ahead.

Interesting times we are in, thanks for the article!