Fort Knox Gold audit?

in gold •  7 years ago 

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Did you know that there is supposed to be approx. $200 billion worth of gold at Fort Knox? Although the funny thing is that it has not been counted since 1953! one has audited America's bullion depository for over seven decades.

Just today the U.S Tresury Secretary Steven Mnuchin visited the vault to check up on America's gold stash. Right before heading to the vault he made a interesting comment "I assume the gold is still there. It would really be quite a movie if we walked in and there was no gold". I think if the gold was not there, this would be news that would eclipse The Great American Eclipse of 2017 (pun intended).

Another interesting fact is that the last time anyone has seen the gold (besides the vault employees) was in 1974 during a congressional visit.

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I was just reading a similar article on zerohedge.

That's crazy to think that the whole gold market could be a scam. But then again it could be legit? We won't know because the federal reserve won't publish an audit.

It is a scam if you look at it from a paper-gold stand point. What I mean is that there is lots and lots more paper gold being traded than there actually is physical gold. We already saw this happen in China when everyone rushed to get their paper gold converted = delivered into physical, everyone came to the realization real quick that there is only a small fraction of physical metal for a pile of gold paper claims.