The U.S Dollar is collapsing and Gold may pass the worth of it in the not so distant future. Right now, as of 8/2/2020, Gold is worth $1,975.73 per ounce. The Dollar is backed by nothing, so printing money can run to infinity. At some point, when the dollar hits a really low point, we're moving into Inflation.
Personally, in my opinion, I feel that we're moving more and more into the a cashless society day-by-day. Now I'm not a financial advisor or historian, but how do you implement a new system? You destroy the old system. How does a parent correct bad behavior of a child? By stopping the child from participating in an activity that they like to do, by taking it away or other method. Let's apply that to the rest of the country, according to some politician.
What's my solution, invest your money in Gold, Silver, or Cryptocurrency. According to the Bible, Gold will be on the streets during some crazy event when the economy hits the fan, so invest at your own risk. None of the solutions I gave are guaranteed, but do look into them.
I'm not a journalist, i'm just stating some things I noticed.