RE: Precious Metals / Why Should I Buy? Silver and Gold / Go Steemit

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Precious Metals / Why Should I Buy? Silver and Gold / Go Steemit

in gold •  8 years ago 

Wish I'd spent more time investing in crypto through the years than silver.

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Yes, we would all be rich. I still have my preconceived notions about crypto though. Still a little uneasy about it all.

I've made more off of less in 2 months on ETH, than $1000's over the years on silver. Its shiny though, so it's got that going for it. 😜

The eth could still go to zero tomorrow. Don't get me wrong I'm all for it but its still a hell of a lot more risky then silver, even if you caught a good stride already and "cashed out".

Very good point indeed. I'm partial to my bullion.

Bullion is the ticket Crowe..
Researched tells me so..
I might buy silver, after I start making some profits from crypto..
I now waiting on my wire transfer..Then I'm good to go..
Thing is silver is gonna be a tad heavy though..


Congrats on that. sure wish I could see the future. I just always have looked at the past to see where things might be headed.

Me Too, If I'd placed 1/2 the amount in BTC as I did in Silver, I'd be a Billionaire! LOL

Ah, I'm dreaming right now.

I started stacking Silver in '09, later in the year... Well, late Summer actually.
I know BTC started that year. I would have been a skeptic, but have the heart
of a gambler at times. I'd have "wasted" $100 on it, that was 1 million BTC, right?
:D I had $$$$$ oozing out of my pockets. Big Money Days!

I am making up for it NOW. Slamming as much as possible into cryptos....

Who would have known. Sounds like you are doing pretty good. Keep up the great work.