Despite the garbage and verbal diarrhoea by the Mainstream Narrative that The Economy is fine, this is what is really happening. We are here..!!

in gold •  7 years ago 

#Gold and #Silver - Volatility will soon be off the charts..!!

Gold and Silver. We are here!!.jpg

#Gold and #Silver - What is coming

Despite the garbage and verbal diarrhoea that continues to be spurted out by the Mainstream Narrative that The Economy is fine, this is what is really going on.

For decades, the Global Financial and Media System has masked a continued string of: lies, deceit, manipulation and fraud, and it is this masking of lies that is set to face its biggest challenge ever.

#Blockchain Technology..!!

Most people cannot even begin to fully appreciate the tsunami of disruption that is about to hit the Global Financial and Media Systems and ultimately The Markets.

This tsunami of disruption will send seismic shocks of epic proportion around The World, and I doubt very much that we will have much longer to wait before it begins.

Seismic Shock

The initial tremors are already beginning to be felt and you need to look no further than the #Gold and #Silver Markets.

Both the #Gold and #Silver Markets will soon send out a Seismic Shock through the Financial System, triggered by decades of abusive and manipulated distortion of the real state of The Economy.

#Gold and #Silver - Current Prices

#Gold = $1,292.77oz.

#Silver = $17.18oz.

Keep an eye on all Precious Metals, in particular to #Gold and #Silver which are currently trading at $1,292.77oz and $17.18oz respectively.

Both #Gold and #Silver remain Undervalued and Bullish.

Thanks for reading.


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This gold and silver story is so old that it probably will never happen. The manipulation is this market can't be stopped as long we still have fractional reserve banking and fiat paper money.

Shared on twitter. Stephen

Good article, for sure the manipulation can't go on forever regardless of the efforts of the elite. Cheers mike

Been a silver bug for a long time, sold my gold for a down payment on a house. I have no worry about whether or not precious metals are worth their weight, but big worries about inflation and manipulation even confiscation.
We are getting ever closer to the days we've been talking about for years. Fingers crossed. Thank you for your post.

But TPTB does not need to confiscate, they can offer a high fiat price say USD 3000 then do the revalue trick after to make gold USD 6000.

Because the crisis that arose in 2008 was never dealt with properly, the coming crash will be much worse than most people can imagine. Many wise men are telling us that it will be worse than the 1929 crash.

This time, all countries across the globe are over-extended, as are many of the major corporations. When the crash begins, it will reverberate around the globe very quickly, and the effects will be uncontrollable. Fiat currencies will plummet in value, debts will be called in, interest rates will skyrocket, and much more.

The only bright side is that assets of real value -- such as precious metals and cryptocurrencies -- will survive, and anyone who holds them will also survive and most likely prosper. Still, it's gonna be ugly.

Hang on, and Full Steem Ahead.

Gold is not undervalued, gold is controlled by the suppliers as it is in the Hands of the Rothschilds who moved the Global Gold to China. These predators expect to pull the plug on the Fiat and offer the gold (aka currencies) that they stole and hoarded for over 100 years at 4000% profits selling for 10k a zone as a global currency. We cannot eat gold, invest in Tools, as they will appreciate in value as Fine Art does while their utilitarian value makes anything else look like Monopoly Money, and seeds/plants/shrubs/trees as they will produce perpetually, and none of these are in the hands of anyone that can Hoard/Hedge/Wager and effectively undermine any and all "commodities", and should the plug get pulled your Neighbors would either be your Best Friends, or your Worst Enemies, so there is plenty to be said for those Investments as well!

Everything else is a Gamble, people will give you ounces and ounces of gold for a bottle of medicine, for a few drops of tincture, for soap, for seeds, or a bit of gas... and if you have enough to share with your neighbors and others then you are successfully investing is something so resilient that no matter what the Global Turd Floaters drift into they couldn't disturb your community!

Blockchain FTW, but if you invest in things you cannot eat you're only inviting the middle man to matters of if you will eat or not!

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Very very thanks for valuable information about gold and silver....
Have a Great day @stephenkendal

great article @stephenkendal. Gold and silver prices have been manipulated for years.

"After months of "smoking guns" and conspiracy theory dismissals, a Singapore-based Deutsche Bank trader (at the center of fraud allegations) finally confirmed (by admitting guilt) what many have suspected - the biggest banks in the world have conspired to rig precious metals markets."

2 June 2017 - source -

there's more

previously the Deutsche Bank had agreed to pay $38 million to settle the silver manipulation litigation.

The settlement concludes one of many recent lawsuits in which investors have accused banks of conspiring to rig the precious metal markets

Then two months after the silver settlement, Deutsche Bank agreed to pay another $60 million to settle the other side of the antitrust litigation: that of rigging gold.

source - 3 December 2016 -

Here's an interesting read along theses same lines > "Gold and Silver Price Manipulation: The Biggest Financial Crime in History" , for a more in depth review check out >

Thanks again for your post @stephenkendal, the next few years will be interesting ones as the forces of paper money and inflation and deflation struggle. History says paper money will lose and so will those who trust in paper money.

#Blockchain Technology adds a new twist, a possible safe harbor, to the upcoming financial storms and the volatility that lays ahead.

Sorry that I ask but can you bring just a few arguments to sustain this shocking previsions that you make?