This is Aceh: #Butteflies No Longer Looking for Flowers#

in goldenhouphotografy •  7 years ago  (edited)


butterfly- photooriginalby: rahmadsanjaya-camera: Xiaomi redmi5A

This is the reality, when everything has changed. The season no longer appears at the right


butterfly- photooriginalby: rahmadsanjaya-camera: Xiaomi redmi5A

moment, this natural phenomenon that began


butterfly- photooriginalby: rahmadsanjaya-camera: Xiaomi redmi5A

Air extreme and affect every joint of life. Until the Butterflies no longer perch on the flowers


This is Aceh, in the white corner of many people of dhikr, in the blue corners of the people accountable to each other rules, in the yellow corner of the people increasingly famine, in the black corner people are more important group, in the red corner many people lose their livelihood.

We are getting worse
We are getting poorer
On the veranda of the homes of mothers looking for lice
To make dinner menu
Eaten with poverty and soul

In Indonesia

Inilah Aceh "Kupu-Kupu Tak Lagi Mencari Bunga"

Inilah kenyataan, ketika segalanya telah berubah. Musim tak lagi muncul di saat yang tepat, ini gejala alam yang mulai janggal. Udara ekstrim dan pengaruhi setiap sendi kehidupan. Hingga Kupu-Kupu pun tak lagi hinggap di bunga.

Inilah Aceh, di sudut putih banyak orang berzikir, disudut biru orang-orang saling gugat aturan, disudut kuning rakyat semakin paceklik, di sudut hitam orang-orang lebih pentingkan golongan, di sudut merah banyak orang kehilangan nafkah.

Kita semakin terpuruk
Kita semakin papa
Di beranda rumah ibu-ibu mencari kutu
Untuk di jadikan menu makan malam
Yang disantap bersama kemiskinan dan hamparan jiwa

By: Rahmad Sanjaya

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