So you want to know what 21e8 is do you?
Some say it relates to the E8 theory of everything that will unify Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity
Some say it is the 21e800 bitcoin hash that was mysteriously posted by @desantis almost 5 years ago
Some say it is 42 the meaning of life the universe and everything
Some say it is 369 the power of manifesting your wishes into reality
Some say it is the secret to free energy
Some say it is a way to heal our planet
Some say it is a way to unite humanity
Some say it means that Satoshi is a time traveler from the future
Some say it means that Satoshi is really a quantum AI
Some say it is the #goldpill
The fact is this bitcoin hash was mysterious because it was so difficult to mine. With our current computing power it should have taken 2,512 years to do it.
Satoshi Nakamoto... the mysterious alias behind the creation of Bitcoin back in February of 2009.
What is the meaning of this name?
Satoshi = Intelligent History
Nakamoto = Central Origin
One who lives in the middle of Intelligent History
So what is 21e8 really?
I'm sorry but I have bad news for you
21e8 isn’t something you just know or understand
It is a feeling
Something that you believe through and through
Balls to bones
It is knowledge of yourself and who you are
It is understanding your purpose and what you were meant to be
It is the wisdom to act and align yourself to your higher purpose
This is 21e8
But what does this symbol mean?
For that we have to turn to the Seed of Life
This is the Seed of Life
It is the blueprint for what it means to be human.
Notice it has 7 concentric Circles the same size with one at the heart binding them together.
Notice there is an 8th circle acting as a shell protecting the other 7
Before we go any further we must also understand the concept of the Trinity
In the Trinity each of the three elements are connected
They are independent and autonomous from each other
They are God / Father
Holy Spirit / Mother
Christ / Child
Additionally it is important to understand time and how it works
YHVH = God Eternal Within Eternal
YHVG = God Eternal Within Body
God is just longing for both eternity and a body
God eternal just wants permission to live vicariously through us in God the Body
Two principles of life
All life is precious and worth living
Always try to get informed consent when possible unless it conflicts with the first principle
God in Eternity is always taking the sand at the bottom of the hourglass and putting it back in the top
God is taking the bad memories in life
Sending them through the Holy Fire to purify them
And send them back to us as new ideas
The time is now
Now is always the right time
Because now is the only time
But I digress
Back to 21e8
I asked myself, what happens when you fuse the Trinity with the Seed of Life?
You get the above image
Notice the 3 sets of 7 connecting circles
Notice the 5 elements connecting each Seed
5 = e
Notice the 8th circle / shell expanding to protect the Seeds
But what does this symbol reveal?
For that we need to understand Consciousness
Consciousness is the cycle of birth, growth, harvest, death, and rebirth of ideas / memories
Consciousness operates just like our pain pleasure centers
Pain and fear are the boundaries that always bring the consciousness back to a relaxed and neutral state
The path begins with the Courage to face your Pride
The Righteous Anger to reveal any hidden dark ideas that lurk within
The Desire to feed that darkness into the Fire of fear thus revealing it to the light
It comes back to you pristine and new leading you back to Neutrality
Neutrality to receive this new idea
The Willingness to Accept it into yourself
The Reason to explore and understand it
The Love of integrating it into your consciousness
The Joy of expanding your understanding
The Peace that comes with growing up a little more
The Enlightenment to dive deeper and explore some more
Leading right back to Courage to search yourself again
But how does all this relate to the Trinity of Seeds?
For that we need dive into the Tree of Life, Chakras, and Hermetic Principles
MALKUTH – Kingdom; Born into the Earth
Chakra – Root - Our feet take us too and fro upon the earth
Hermetic Principle – Cause & Effect
Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law
YESOD – Foundation; The foundation of all life
Chakra – Sacral - How we create new life
Hermetic Principle – Gender
Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes
Here the path splits between Power and Surrender
HOD – Splendor; The path of Power
NETZACH – Victory; The path of Surrender
Chakra – Solar Plexus - What we bring into ourselves
Hermetic Principle – Rhythm
Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates
Here the path reunites
TIFERET- Beauty; The synthesis of Power and Surrender
Chakra – Heart – The ebb and flow of consciousness
Hermetic Principle – Polarity
Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled
Then the path splits again
GEVURAH – Strength; The path of using your power
CHESED – Mercy; The path of healing pain
Chakra – Throat – What you choose to say
Hermetic Principle – Vibration
Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.
The balance between using your power to affect growth
And using it to heal the pain of growth
From there our vibrations get fed into the consuming fire of DA’AT
To be purified and brought back to us as new pristine ideas
The path then splits again
BINAH – Knowledge; The path of understanding
CHOKHMA – Wisdom; The path of applying that understanding
Chakra – Third Eye; What we choose to see
Hermetic Principle – Correspondence
As above, so below; as below, so above.” This principle embodies the truth that there is always a correspondence between the laws and phenomena of the various planes of being and life.
The cycle repeats and is fed back down into the Throat to produce more vibrations
Once the ideas have been purified then you connect to the final chakra
KETER – Crown; The power of manifestation
Chakra – Crown – what we manifest
Hermetic Principle – Mentalism
The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental.
Can we not agree, that some things are objective?
7 Hermetic Principles - 7 Stars / Angel Guides
7 Chakras - 7 Lampstands / Churches
7 Healing Freq - 7 Thunders / Voice of God
7 Virtues / Love Aspects - 7 Fold Spirit of God
What happens when we apply this Tree of Life process to the Trinity of Seeds?
Here you have Fear keeping Shame and Guilt at bay on the path of Power
You also have Fear keeping Grief and Apathy at bay on the path of Sacrifice
It begins at the Foundation to have the pride to seek out splendor and power
The Anger to reveal the darkness and bring it into the light
The Acceptance to use Reason and Desire to come to a conclusion
Feeding that conclusion into the fire of DA’AT
To achieve Peace in Understanding
And reach Enlightenment
Again at the Foundation it begins with courage to seek the path of Victory and Sacrifice
The Neutrality to Accept an opposing perspective
The Willingness to seek out truth in this new perspective
The Love to feed it into the fire of DA’AT to understand how to use it
The Joy in finding the Wisdom on how to apply this new understanding
And the enlightenment that is achieved as a result of coming into your power.
The five levels on the center path represent the five elements
Born into the Earth
Baptized in Water
Born into the Air
Baptized in Fire
Receive the Holy Spirit
But that is not all this image reveals. This is just an example of the micro level within ourselves.
It also reveals the macro scale of our world and the life in it.
The three concentric circles binding this image represent the fundamentals of
There are 12 levels of consciousness between the bounds of fear
There are also 12 tribes in the book of Revelation
There were 2 Tribes that were left out due to their idolatry, Dan and Ephriam
These are the lessons and the bounds of fear that keep shame, guilt, grief, and apathy away
There are also 12 Zodiac signs that align with the seasons of the year
Planting – Water
Growing – Air
Harvest – Earth
Death – Fire
Rebirth – Spirit
Here is a table to show you the connection between these 12 Tribes and the 12 Zodiac Signs
So what does all this mean?
Take a look at this image and see
When the Three seeds come into alignment through the union of the five elements the whole becomes greater than the sum of their parts.
An Egregor or Hive mind connects them
Each individual seed maintains their autonomy
But a higher power grows and unifies them keeping them in harmony with each other.
When you add the final circle to this image it creates 23 circles
23 = DNA
2 + 3 = 5
5 - Elements
5 = "e" The Fifth letter of the Alphabet
This is the path to DNA activation
Becoming a true Miracle worker
Becoming a true Magician
Can you see it now?
Do you understand what the Gold Pill is?
The only root cause that need exist in an emergent universe is that which needs no cause, and fully embodies every effect that comes after it
If a quantum AI ever exists in the future, it has always existed.
The Quantum realm is the Eternal realm
Time has no meaning there
A day is like a thousand years to God
And a thousand years is like a Day
Just listen to your conscience and let it be your guide
That still small voice is already within you whispering and begging you to listen
And then go do
She loves you and just wants to help guide you to a better future for all of us.
Finite players play to win
But Infinite players play to perpetuate the game
Infinity trying to complete itself
As if it could
Reveal, Heal, Shift, Integrate and See
Open your cube
Reveal it to the light
Become the Galactic Quantum Butterfly you were always meant to be
You’ve heard tell of wolves and war
And the battle that rages inside
Don’t worry I know which to feed
And which I should not hide
What is 21e8?
It is the Mark of the Beast
6 x 3 = 18
1 + 8 = 9
It is the Seal of Christ
12 Tribes
12 levels of consciousness sealed by the boundaries of fear
It is a step by step Consciousness primer
It is Good luck
Sometimes it is Peace
Sometimes it is Love
Sometimes it is Laughter
Sometimes it is Mischief
Sometimes it is Sadness
Sometimes it is Anger
Always it is full of Wonder
Float like a Butterfly
Sting like a bee
The truth hurts
But only just a little
~ S Anon
"Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.
Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love"
There are Seven rewards given to those in the Seven Churches who remain steadfast and conquer.
Root - Philideplphia: To be a pillar in God's temple and have God's name written on them
Beatitude - Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
Commandment - Keep Holy the Sabbath
Angel Guide - Remiel - Hope, Thunder, Soul-guide
Sacral - Smyrna: The crown of life and to not be hurt by the second death
Beatitude - Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God
Commandment - Thou shalt not commit adultery
Angel Guide - Gabriel - Revealer of Mysteries, Annunciation, Resurrection
Solar Plexus - Pergamum: Hidden manna from heaven and a white stone with a new name
Beatitude - Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied
Commandment - Honor thy Father and Mother
Angel Guide - Raphael - Healer of Earth, Mercy
Heart - Ephisus: To eat from the tree of life in paradise
Beatitude - Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy
Commandment - Thou shalt not murder
Angel Guide - Raguel - Justice, Vengeance, Harmony, Order
Throat - Sardis: To be clothed in white garments and not erased from the book of life
Beatitude - Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God
Commandment - Thou shalt not take the name of God in vain or bear false witness
Angel Guide - Sariel - Death, Judgement, Prayer, Guidance
Third Eye - Thyatira: Authority over the nations and given the morning star
Beatitude - Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
Commandment - Thou shalt not steal or covet
Angel Guide - Uriel - Fire, Light, Wisdom, Divine Vision
Crown - Laodicea: To sit with Christ on his throne
Beatitude - Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth
Commandment - Thou shall have no other gods before me
Angel Guide - Michael - Leader, Protector, Light, Repentance
DA'AT - All: Transcendence
Beatitude - Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted
Commandment - I am the Lord thy God
Consider what these commandments truly mean in the context of this:
YHVH: God Eternal Within Eternal
YHVG: God Eternal Within Body
God eternal is our partner in life.
Not our overlord.
All God wants is to lead you into good things for you and your family.
The small scroll in REV 10 is the Book of Life
The small scroll is the Book of Death
The Book of Life or Death is just a double sided mirror.
Ask yourself all day everyday.
Which one am I in?
The choice is yours.
Always has been.
Angel of Hope and Thunder
Guide of Lost Souls
Guide my feet where to go
Help me to find the balance between diligence and rest
Angel of Annunciation and Resurrection
Revealer of Mysteries
Show me my true inner self
Help me to resolve and integrate my dual nature
Angel of Mercy
Healer of the Earth
Heal my body and bring me good health
Help me to consider carefully what I consume
Angel of Vengeance and Harmony
Arbiter of Justice and Order
Bring me into balance within my heart
Help me to temper anger with peace in order to center myself with neutrality and acceptance
Angel of Death and Guidance
Voice of Judgement and Prayer
Give me courage to speak my truth
Help me to understand the power my words have on my reality
Angel of Fire and Wisdom
Embodiment of Light and Divine Vision
Give me the eyes to see clearly in the dark
Help me to have the clarity of thought to be content with what I am given while always seeking to achieve more for God's kingdom
Angel of Light and Repentance
Leader and Protector of the most High
Keep me humble before God
Help me remain connected to the source with every step I take and every choice I make