RE: Early Steemit Adopters - Don’t forget about Golos Token Drop!!!

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Early Steemit Adopters - Don’t forget about Golos Token Drop!!!

in golos •  8 years ago 

You what????? This is total news to me; that is mad, I'm heading over right now!


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You've definitely got an account with some Golos in CG!!!

That's a turn up for the books!!
Do you know if powering down is just the same as it is on Steemit? It's quite an odd translation... it says cancel lowering forces voices

Great to have you back by the way! :-)


Also can I sell it on Bittrex? Is it just like Steem? So many questions! :-D


in case you did not, set the language of your Golos to English and things will look pretty damn similar to Steemit. :) I'd been having some fun for a while there.

Aha, thank you! How do I do that?


cool thanks.


Yep, the Google translation isn't great. Check my wallet, as long as yours mirrors mine, I'm confident your powering down..

Good to be back. I honestly thought Steemit was dead... I was clearly wrong.

Haha, awesome! Yeah I thought it was dying a slow death, I'm glad that it seems we were both wrong :-D


Can you link me to your Golos account, I can't find you.


I've checked you account. You are Powered Down. Also, it's traceable on Bittrex as you said. Same sending process...

Yes powering down now; or as Google translates, the weakening of the forces has begun :-D
