grouper fish, a sumptuous dish In Lhokseumawe

in good-karma •  7 years ago 


never had a wonderful dinner or lunch. Well, for the steemian friends who had never tasted the delicious grouper, silahlan came to lhokseumawe aceh beach, a simple-looking hut, but if in terms of food, your tongue will always feel hooked,

tidak pernah makan malam atau makan siang yang indah Nah, bagi teman-teman steemian yang belum pernah mencicipi ikan kerapu yang lezat, silahlan datang ke pantai lhokseumawe aceh, pondok sederhana, tapi kalau dari segi makanan, lidahmu akan selalu ketagihan,

Rimbuen, that is the name of the hut that serves the cuisine with the appealing kelezqtam, from our beaches that have been several times, enjoy the delicacy of the cuisine there while enjoying the sea view is very charming place it is perfect for anyone who wants to calm the mind or enjoy the meal while enjoying the sea view


rimbun, itulah nama gubuk yang menyajikan masakan dengan kelezqtam yang menggugah selera, dari pantaian kami yang sudah beberapa kali, menikmati kelezatan masakan disitu sambil menikmati pemandangan laut sangat menawan tempat itu sangatlah cocok bagi siapa saja yang ingin menenangkan fikiran atau menikmati hidangan sambil menikmati pemandangan laut

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