Healthy eating - how to eat healthy? Principles of healthy eating.steemCreated with Sketch.

in good •  4 years ago 

Eating food provides a person with appropriate substances needed for the ongoing life processes. The diet of consumed foods should be adapted to the age and sex of a given person, as well as to the age itself, because with age the demand for calories decreases drastically. Climate also plays a role in the choice of food consumed. Man, along with food and drinks, provides his body with three groups of nutrients:

Limit your cow's milk consumption.

In our culture, it has been established that cow's milk is a healthy and constant component of our diet - this is a misconception that for our body milk is a difficult to digest product with an allergenic tendency. This is for a simple reason, cow's milk is milk intended for consumption by young calves and not by humans. Cow's milk contributes to the increase in cholesterol levels, and may be an important factor in the incidence of diseases such as juvenile diabetes or osteoporosis. The situation is different when it comes to fermented milk products, because in this case the bacteria digest the milk, making it more affordable and also contains a human-friendly bacterial flora.

Limit your intake of sugars and sweeteners (aspartame).

Sugar is nothing more than sucrose, it is a source of high calories and a high energy load. It is made from sugar beet, it is filtered, purified and bleached with calcium chloride, which does not bode well for the human body. Sugar is one of the causes of diabetes. Another silent killer in the sweetener family is aspartame, which breaks down into formic acid when digested. The best substitute for these unhealthy sweeteners may be honey, which should be added to slightly cooled drinks so that it does not lose its health benefits. However, you should avoid all kinds of sweets, drinks such as orangeade or jellies.

Limit the amount of coffee or tea you drink.

Because who does not start the day with a cup of coffee and drinks hot tea for breakfast, as it turns out, the recommended dose is a maximum of two glasses of these drinks a day. Green tea can be recommended here, drinking of which brings many more benefits than drinking any other type of tea. Green tea has a beneficial effect on teeth, cleans the blood, dissolves stones on the liver, reduces the level of bad cholesterol and lowers blood pressure. Tea or coffee that is standing for several hours should not be consumed as harmful substances are formed in it.

When you drink it, drink 1.5 l of non-carbonated mineral water a day.

Man should drink a minimum of 1.5 liters of water a day, preferably still mineral water, the water does not contain any calories, but it carries the power of minerals that can be seasoned with a citrus fruit. It is the healthiest and most recommended drink.

Sleep and nutrition.

An extremely important aspect is the rule not to overeat right before going to bed, the last meal should be eaten 2 hours before going to bed. It is also important not to wake up at night and not to snack, as this significantly affects the weight. It is best to eat a full meal as soon as you wake up - it will be burnt in the daily activities.

Consume unprocessed or low-processed foods.

Unprocessed or low-processed products, it is a treasury of fiber, vitamins and mineral salts, it is unprocessed food that is best absorbed by humans. Interestingly, highly processed food has a lower energy value than unprocessed food, which translates into larger and larger portions of processed food consumed. Highly processed products plus rapid heat treatment results in the loss of vitamins and the formation of free radicals, which are responsible for cancer. The taste and aroma also speak for unprocessed products.

Avoid cholesterol like fire.

Animal fats in all their forms should be avoided as fat causes obesity and raises blood cholesterol. According to some dietitians, we should eat meat twice a week in an amount not exceeding the size of two fists.
If you already eat meat, it's best to choose turkey, chicken and beef. It is also good practice to choose fish instead of red meat, which contain extremely valuable omega 3 fatty acids. Choose cooked or stewed dishes instead of baked and fried.

Consuming liquids before or 2 hours after a meal.

Eating, drinking too much food dissolves stomach acids, which disrupts the digestive process, and also results in gas and gas. Eating a dry meal also translates into the amount of food we eat. Eating dry food will eat much less of it, which will result in the consumption of fewer calories than in the case of drunk food.

How many meals should I eat? Four to five meals a day, is that true ?.

The minimum number of meals consumed during the day should be three meals at regular intervals, while the optimal and recommended by nutritionists is the number of 5 meals a day well-balanced, eaten 3-4 hours apart.

Three meals a day and enough.
According to another theory, it is not the number of meals that is important, but the energy value they provide to the body. One can mention here, for example, native people who probably did not have too much time to enjoy a variety of food at five times intervals. Our body has been adapted for all these years to provide the right amount of calories a day and not to break the calorie pool into parts.

Nutrition pyramid.

An important signpost on the way to healthy eating, it is intended to show how much we should consume given products. Going from the very top of the pyramid, at its top there are:

Red meat and sweets that we should eat as little as possible due to the artificial coloring of sweets. Products in this group are rich in saturated fatty acids, empty calories and cholesterol. Red meat, on the other hand, provides a lot of calories, so it should be eaten rationally. On the top floor of the nutrition pyramid there are also such products as: White pasta, bread and rice due to their negligible nutritional value, while they are rich in calories from starch.

Going down the nutrition pyramid, we can come across dairy products, dairy products containing calcium, the daily requirement of which for a human is 800 to 1000 mg, while pregnant women should consume about 1600 mg of calcium. It is worth adding that dairy products, pasteurized fat milk are quite difficult to digest for humans. The question is often asked whether to eat dairy products or not? The latest research shows that about 25% of Europeans do not digest lactose, consumption of milk leads to unpleasant ailments such as diarrhea, constipation or flatulence. So the myth of strong bones and healthy teeth can be put aside between fairy tales. It turns out that chicken eggs are a much better source of calcium for the human body. In addition, milk stimulates insulin secretion, which can lead to diabetes, obesity, infertility and cardiovascular disease.

Looking down at the lower level of the food pyramid, we find poultry, fish and eggs. Poultry, as long as it comes from natural breeding, is considered the healthiest type of meat because it contains negligible amounts of fat and in addition provides the body with large amounts of protein, zinc and PP vitamins. In addition, poultry meat contains a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids, which play a significant role in the process of healthy eating. It is important to eat poultry, do not eat the peel, it contains the greatest amount of fat.

The next lower level consists of nuts, which are a source of unsaturated fatty acids, protein and fiber, and contain a lot of minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, and iron. Nuts are quite caloric, so we should eat up to 10 pieces a day. Another group included in this level of the food pyramid are legumes such as: peas, chickpeas, broad beans, soybeans, lentils, which are an important source of fiber, protein and starch.

On the penultimate floor, it's time for vegetables that should be eaten with every meal, or reach for them in the event of a sudden hunger attack. However, in the case of fruits, the situation is different, fruits contain simple sugars, the so-called fructose, which makes them much more caloric than vegetables. Vegetables and fruit are a source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber.

On the lowest floor we have cereal products and vegetable fats, so when going shopping we choose wholemeal bread, whole grain pasta, thick groats and paddy rice, these products contain fiber, provide vitamins and minerals. Other products in this group are vegetable fats: olive oil, oils containing plant sterols.

At the base of the pyramid is movement and broadly understood physical activity.

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