I want to share good writing !! (좋은 글을 나누고자 합니다)

in good •  7 years ago 
  • In modern medicine, healing is based on the model of war, which is to drive disease away.
  • Education is to convey the passion of knowing before knowledge.
  • Eros is never an object of taboo. Eros is a natural expression of life.
  • 우리시대는 아주 이중적이다. 성을 상품화하는데 골몰하면서 겉으로는 지독한 내숭을 떨어댄다.
  • Modern man always runs round trip between two emotions. It is a regret about the past and anxiety about the future.
  • Anything that wants to be 'is itself youth.
  • Is there anything more beautiful and noble than reading the book under the sky and exploring the truth?

[몸과 인문학]에 있는 좋은 글귀입니다.

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