Myths about KARMA

in good •  4 years ago 

What is karma? How to differentiate between good and bad karma? We consider karma as our actions means what we do. And hence, we emphasise doing good deeds because we think this is how good karmas will add to our account. But nobody told us that karma is not only what we do but also what words we speak and what thoughts we think. Now, you might think about how thoughts become our karma? So, understand our action is a result of what we thought about that thing. First, a thought comes, we think about that and make a choice to do it or not and finally, action is being done. SImilarily, if you thought about doing bad to someone, you did that but nothing happened as you planned but still, it has become your negative karma as your intention was to harm somebody. So we must choose our thoughts wisely as what we think, we become. Our current reality is also a result of our past thoughts, words and actions.


Likewise, words we speak, if by it someone got really hurt then it has become your negative karma. This is not physical but giving mental pain is also a type of bad karma. Hence, we must be careful while choosing and speaking words to anyone. But above all, INTENTION with which thought came, words are spoken and action is done really get counted while settling your karmic accounts.

AWARENESS is the only way to keep a track of our karmas. Most people think, their thoughts are never seen by others, so they become good at the face but speak ill in the heart. You can fool others but not God. we are living a very opposite lfe what God wants us to live. God wants us to be pure and clean in the heart but instead, we spend a lot of time cleaning and purifying our outer appearance, words and actions. Moreover, it is also true your bad karmas will not wipe out because of your good karmas, rather you have to bear the results of both separately. Karmic results will find you whatever you are, no matter you die or take the next birth.

No matter what has been done in the past. From right now, start keeping track of what you think, what you speak and what you do. These all must be of good intention, non-judgmental and out of love. This is how you will create your future reality. As we know what goes comes back. So, be careful what you are seeing in the universe because accordingly, you will receive the results whether in this birth or in your next births.

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