Obviously, at this point, if you think that I am beholden to any kind of orthodoxy, political policy, or popular sort of perspective, then I think you’ve missed my point.
I don’t have a set of beliefs, or ideologies, per se. What I have is an intense desire to see humans FREE.
Not just some humans, but all humans … and not just people who agree with me, but all people — of all beliefs… i have to defend your right to express yourself even if I can’t help sometimes laughing at them. I laugh at mine all the time.
I know it may sound like crazy idealism, but it also seems a thought so primary as to be worth sacrificing your life for.
Who does not want to do all that they can to avoid seeing their own innocent loved ones trapped, tortured or in any way made to suffer needlessly at the hands of tyrants.
I know full well — from what you say and what you don’t say, that many of you do not think we are in such dire straits … and that things aren’t as bad as that.
Surely, you think, our leaders care enough to protect us from such a horrible fate as has befallen millions and millions and millions of people within the narrow span of the last hundred years … at the hands of tyrants almost indistinguishable from those tyrants who stand over us today and who day in and day out tell us what we can do and what we can’t do.
Well, I’m not buying it … None of it… At core, it’s far too much bullshit - and if we have learned anything from the last century, it is that fascist bullshit must be stopped early or else countless numbers of us will pay with our lives.
Stand up for yourself and for your loved ones. Stand up for the children — most of all — wake up from the mask trance — draw a line around the little ones and say over my dead body… and know that it just may come to that.
I don’t know what will happen anymore than you do. I hope it will resolve with the fewest amount of pure souls lost … but in the meantime, I take heart from unexpected sources and one of those heartfelt sources is this cool lady, Good Patriot, who amazingly, can still be found on YouTube.
This lady is fucking cool. She has done many cool videos about making food, and firing guns and raising kids and homeschooling — and basically she is a double badass and just the kind of person you want in the trench with you when the shit hits.
So if you don’t like her or this video — then just move along — cause I think they’re great.